Coming home

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   You walk up to the house. It's been a while since you had last been there. You stayed in touch with everyone even though you were in collage in America. It was lonely since there aren't a lot of people who you clicked with,but the people here helped get you through that. It was summer break. Your collage have you a full month for a break. You were so happy the Matsuno's said that you could stay with them.

Mrs.Matsuno>Ahh so they let you put for a month omg

Mr.Matsuno>Where you planning to stay

(Y/N)>Mmm idk maybe a hotel that might be nice

Both of them>Nonsense

Mrs.Matsuno>You will be staying with us

(Y/N)>Well ok

Mr.Matsuno>Then it's settled then you stay here for your month vacation

You knocked on the door. The first knock you heard a bunch of crashing and screaming. You just stayed there and knocked a second time,but before you could Mrs. Matsuno opened the door dragging you in before you could even see her coming.

"Hello dear I'm so happy you came",she gave you a long right hug. "Thatnk you Mrs.Matsuno". She let you go and led you to the living room. She insisted that you give her your luggage you kept telling her she doesn't have to buy in the end she took it from you. You say down on the couch and just say there in silence. You just say there. There was a television in front of you,but you had no idea where the remote was. So you just say there in silence.

You heard someone opening the door. The person sounded cheery and excited about it. They just kept yelling a weird chant. You knew who it was. You got up to greet them. As you suspected it was Jyushimatsu. He was taking off his shoes. His back was turned but you could feel his big goofy smile on his face as he chanted his chant. His baseball uniform was all dirty. You wanted to surprise him. You walked quietly towards him.

You jumped on him hugging him.


"BOEH!!!" .

As soon as you touched him he jumped through the ceiling. You looked up.He still had his goofy smile,probably. You laughed but when you looked you saw none other than. His favorite buddy. He wasn't a bad size but it still disturbed you that he got that by you just touching him. You know that they are all virgins but still no one should be that unsexually satisfied.

I'm coming Home (Reader x 6 Brothers )Where stories live. Discover now