Chapter 1

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The day was August 22nd and the weather was humid and hot. It was 6 in the morning on the first day of school and I was not feeling all too happy about that. My name is Juliette Finn . I'm 16 years old and I don't like high school. As it was still dark outside, I turned on the main hall light and staggered into the bathroom to do the normal ritual; teeth, shower, hair, ect.

"Jules? Is that you in there?" Dad calls through the door after about 45 minutes.

"Yea Dad. It's just me." He never did quite learn how long it takes me in the morning, even though it's basically clockwork. I quickly finished brushing back the excess strands of hair that always stuck out from my ponytail before exiting the bathroom. My younger brother Max was standing at the door with a towel draped over his arm and different soaps in his hands. Practically twitching with impatience.

"Finally!" He said and rushed into the bathroom. I just laughed and walked back to my bedroom. The light pink walls and the white bedspread were showing signs of sunlight. I looked to the window, covered by my curtains. I could see faint light filtering it's way through them. I dressed quickly, pulled open my window and saw the beautiful sunrise climbing through the trees in the forest we'd always considered to be our backyard.

I quickly grabbed my camera and took a few snapshots of the sun. I spotted a bird a few feet away and zoomed in to capture it. I glanced at the clock on my bedside table. Seven o'clock. I was running late. I grabbed my already filled backpack and my sneakers and stumbled down the hallway into the kitchen. I sat at the end chair of our six seater dinner table and laced up my shoes.

My dad walked up behind me and set a plate in front of me. He may not be a good judge of time or routine, but he sure knew how to cook a kick-ass meal. My older brother Dennis was sitting across the table from me and Max had joined us sitting directly to my left. My little sister Lea was probably just waking up and would be dropped off for preschool at eight when my dad was heading to work. Max, Dennis and I scarfed down our delicious breakfast and practically ran out the door, throwing our goodbyes over our shoulders. It was 7:30. The double middle/high school started at 7:45. Knowing we were already late, we hopped into Dennis's old black van and cringed as the engine stalled.

"Come on!" Dennis yelled. He raced the engine a few times, smacking the dashboard, and it caught. He backed out of the driveway at lightning speed and revved down the street. By taking a lot of back roads and making almost every light we were able to make it to school in one piece, not to mention even a few minutes early. I rushed Max over to the middle school side of the building in the West wing and made sure he knew where to go. Dennis was already with his best friend Jordan Reins by the time I made it back over to the East wing. They were traipsing down the main sidewalk pestering everyone, trying to stand out. I slowly shook my head and sulked into the building.

I had tried to get Dad to help me schedule my classes so that I had what was necessary for graduating by next year. He said it should be good and even my schedule for next year was set up, so long as I passed all of these classes. I went to the office and grabbed my schedule. Glancing at it to see my first class, I stumbled down the hallway before I would be late. Making it in the class on time, I saw there were only two empty seats in the back right next to each other. I took the one in the corner, hoping no one would end up in the seat next to me. I was looking at the door when the bell signaling the beginning of class started to ring. Our teacher stumbled in just as it stopped ringing.

According to my schedule her name was Mrs. Griffin, she taught English II Honors. She looked nice enough, with the exception of the fact that she looked a bit unstable, but I could easily over look that. She began to introduce herself when the door opened and a boy strode in. Now I may not be very social but that didn't mean I didn't pay attention. I had never seen this boy in my life. I definitely would've remembered.

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