i'd fall for you like rain on pavement

127 8 38

i'm just bored
tagged by: myself

have you ever..

001 // been drunk?
yeah it was pretty fun ;)

002 // kissed someone?
many times, always the wrong person

003 // broken up with someone?
i don't have the heart to. i'm always broken up with though haha

004 // had sex?
haha yeah, it was terrible

005 // had a threesome?
no, but i'm open to it?

006 // cried yourself to sleep?
too many times to count. i'm an emotional guy i can't help it

007 // self harmed?

008 // been in love?
yeah but like i have really weird perceptions of love

009 // cheated?
no, that's just cruel.

010 // standing on a stage?
too many times to count.

011 // been depressed?
still am xD lolzor rawr

012 // smoked?
no, vaped (shoutout to my plug gta vapes i love you)

013 // felt lonely?
who hasn't?

014 // sneaked into a bar without being old enough?
yeah, but i don't know if it counts as a bar..?

what's your..

015 // age?
17 don't call the cops i'm sorry

016 // greatest wish?
for the world to just sort itself out and become a better place that i can be proud to live life in. and also for my mom and my brother to forever be healthy and ALSO i hope they can be proud of me as their son and sibling

017 // relationship status?
always single

018 // biggest fear?
i have a lot

019 // longest relationship?
8 months!

do you..

020 // masturbate?
surprisingly, not as much as other people my age.

021 // have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
no, probably not for the next 10 years

022 // like yourself?
my self esteem is like at rock bottom most of the time and i basically hate myself all the time but like some rare moments i'm happy and love myself!

023 // have or want a tattoo?
i don't have one but i really want to get one.

024 // have or want a piercing?
i have 3 piercings, i don't know if i want more.

025 // smoke?

026 // party sometimes?

027 // believe in ghosts?
yes, they are my friends

028 // want a boyfriend or girlfriend?
lately i have

what's your favorite..

029 // artist?
da₩n is my main man but i also love j.byun, dean, lym en, 2xxx, rosy, rheehab, punchnello, bevy maco, groovyroom, etc etc

030 // movie?
call me by your name!

031 // song?
red velvet's bad boy, 마지막 by da₩n, swirl by samuel seo, instagram by dean, wanli by hyukoh, do you think about me by nvdes,  i have a ton can't list em all

032 // tv series?
i don't know if they count as tv because they're netflix, but the end of the fucking world and black mirror.

033 // animal?

034 // book?
boo by neil smith, if i fall if i die by michael christie, uglies by scott westerfield.

035 // colours?
red and PINK.

036 // juice?
allens peach cocktail. that shit is amazing.

this or that?

037 // twitter or facebook?
facebook gives me flashbacks to middle school to i'm gonna go with twitter.

038 // coke or sprite?
coke zero > sprite > regular coke > diet coke > all the flavored cokes

039 // tea or coffee?
iced coffee > tea > coffee

040 // taco or pizza?
i can eat millions of tacos at once, but i get sick of pizza after 3 slices.

041 // beer or vodka?
not rich so i'm gonna go with beer. it's always rona season lmao

042 // country or rock?

would you ever..

043 // date someone ten or more years older than you?
i don't know if it was dating but i did have a sugar daddy like a year ago while i was catfishing on skout. oops. i wouldn't do it in the future. or maybe i would.

044 // bathe naked?

045 // smoke pot?

046 // have a threesome?

047 // get married?

048 // have children?
yeah but i'd like to adopt them when they're like 5 or something. it's hell to take care of infants and toddlers, or at least it was hell to me.

049 // swim with sharks?

done! :)
tagging: smugglebeans my lil BEAN

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