Chapter 1: Liesma

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"Just because your pain is unbearable doesn't mean you give up fighting for something better." -Unknown

I laid in an open plain that was little ways past my village

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I laid in an open plain that was little ways past my village. The view here was perfect for watching the sunset, and the moon rise. But before I could even watch the moon rise, a voice said, 'Turn around. Hurry before it's all gone...' I stood up and a gust of wind blew from behind me and I felt waves of heat crash into me. Then, screams filled the soon to be darkness. I turned towards my village and saw flames reaching the sky. I stood there completely frozen in fear. Not knowing what exactly to do next. I grabbed my shirt and took a deep breath.

"For the love of all the Gods new and old!" I yelled as I started to run towards my home in the village. I stumbled a couple of times, earning myself cuts and bruises on my body. Everything in the village was set ablaze and I knew I had no way of reaching it in time no matter how hard I tried. Tears began to cloud my vision, causing me to stumble and rolling down a large hill fast that was close to my village. I stood up once I stopped rolling down the hill and tried to catch up on breathing then I started to run again. As I got closer to the village... waves of heat knocked into me making me stop at first but I continued to run. I tried so desperately to reach the village in time but it was already too late. 'I was too late,' I thought to myself. I noticed that the fire consumed everything in sight and soon enough it began to die down. By the time I reached the village...

All the homes were now ashes and my heart crumbled into pieces at the sight before me. Smoke still filled the air and I coughed as it filled started to fill my lungs, but I continued onward into the village. I desperately looked around for survivors as I walked, but all I saw was charred bodies that laid where houses once stood. It was as if they had died with peaceful dreams, but the screams I heard earlier... they disagreed on the matter to a disturbing degree that would haunt my dreams. As I got closer to my home, tears had already begun streaming down my face from what I saw in the village. I pushed my way through fallen wooden beams and got burnt during the process, but I didn't care. All I cared about was getting to my parents. Once I reached my mother and father... my hand flew to my mouth to cover the cry that was trying to crawl its way up my throat. Their skin was charcoal black with a few red patches. I felt bile rise in my throat and I turned away from my parents to empty the contents of my stomach onto the floor. Once I was done, I wiped my mouth and looked at them again. My heads pounded fiercely but I ignored it. They just laid there, peacefully, as if they hadn't felt their bodies being burned alive.

I fell to my knees and cried over my now dead parents. I had just seen them that morning with smiles bright on their faces, but now there was nothing left. I just couldn't believe everything and everyone was gone. I went to touch my mother in her curled form next to my father. A piece of her fell off of her. Causing me to cringe at this. My heart began to ache in pain but I realized something shining around my mother's neck. I went to touch it, expecting it to be hot from the fire, but it was cool to the touch. I felt bewildered as I pulled it away from where my parents laid.

I did not know what to expect to happen when I pulled it away from my mother's body. It was my mother's favorite necklace, which she never took off because it had been so special to her. She always said it was the last thing that she still had of her past. The charm was made of copper and some type of stone that mother had said there was no name for on this plain... it was zils kvarcs which meant blue quartz in my Father's native tongue or something close to that. In the center laid a bare tree and it had a calming effect on me as I gazed at it.

I put the necklace on and all of a sudden it felt as if I was falling. The wind blew my hair everywhere and I couldn't stop myself from falling. I saw the sunset and the sky turn to different colors before the moon began to rise high in the sky. Then my necklace began to glow bright blue and my fall slowed down but not by that much. I continued to fall and fall until I felt myself fall through a whole bunch of tree branches before I hit the water below them. As I came up for air I heard a sharp inhale. And as I wiped the water from my face, I saw that I was in a hot spring filled with five men. I could feel my face turn red, and I screamed as I covered my face.

I tried to get out of the water but I kept bumping into the men repeatedly. Then I felt someone grab my forearm and lift me up. I yelped as I came face to face to a hot, yet very angry man. "Who are you and how did you get here?" He said to me with pure venom. I cringed away at his violent tone. I honestly couldn't answer him as I kept getting distracted by his current state of dress, along with his beautiful blue-black hair, and violet eyes. I shook my head and tried not to get distracted but I couldn't help myself. "Umm... I-I..." I tried to look around as I said that but he made me look at him. "Answer me!" He said to me. Even though I found him attractive as he stood in front of me completely nude, he was beginning to piss me off. "Ena, relax man. She looks scared and shocked." The guy, who apparently must've been Ena, glared at him and then back at me. "Back off Bailes," Ena said as he began to bring me closer towards him and I placed a hand on his chest.

"For the love of everything holy. Put some clothes on damn it." I said and he just now seemed to have realized his appearance. I heard snickers from behind me and he flushed bright red. I was lifted up and placed outside of the water. He mumbled about how I was to stay right there and not move as he got dressed. I looked at the guy called Bailes as I motioned for him to help me out but he only shook his head. I tried to move away slightly to find an escape route, but when I moved he glared at me so I didn't move again. Ena finished getting dressed, and then he took me out of the hot spring area. Someone followed him, hot on his tail. "Ena, you can't take her to the Ishkin. He'll kill her. You should know your father by now. Kare will not take this lightly." The guy named Bailes seemed to plead with him.

Once he said the word "kill" I began to panic. "I can't die yet. I need to get back to my village and bury them properly. Let me go." I begged Ena. He looked at me startled for a brief second and I heard him say. "Bailes, don't." But it was too late because by then I had blacked out.

" But it was too late because by then I had blacked out

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Author's Note: Hey, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I haven't written in a while so bare with my writing style and my bad choice of words. Ishkin means chief or leader in their tongue. So throughout this book you will see little notes stating what each "new word" means.

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