becoming the person u intended to be and everyone kinda loving you for it

10 1 4

I began to dress the way i desired
I began to act the way i desired
I began to do whatever the fuck i wanted
It made me happy
Being one of the few people at my school that had the confidence to wear mom jeans and flannels and fishnets and every single fucking thing i loved and wanted.
This might sound like that "im not like other girls" bullshit but you know what? Fuck that logic
There will always be someone like you
There will be people that will hate you along the way
But guess what?
Fuck them and their opinions
This isnt easy to say coming from someone that had (and still has) anxiety issues, self image issues, self esteem issues, and other shit im rlly fuckin tired of having.
Its not easy
I know that me saying "be yourself" wont help you very much.
Its hard and i dont think many people who just say "be yourself" understand how difficult and nerve racking it is for people that have self image issues.
So you dont have to try to be yourself just yet.
Im not saying to wallow in your self pity and self hate and other toxic things in your life.
Im saying to start small.
Express the things youre passionate about.
Dont be afriad to say things youre not used to saying.
Its hard and it wont be easy.
Youll get throught it.
Youll become a better person with time.
~someone called me the aesthetic friend and i felt rlly weird and rlly happy at the same time ahhhh

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