Chapter Nine: The Rebuilding

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"Are you okay?"


"Tony, come on! Let me out of this facility or I will go so crazy that not even Vision or your suit can handle me. I... I will go Hulk on your asses." Tony looked back at her with wide eyes, "Mmhmm. Hulk."

He groaned and stopped walking to face Riley. "Look, Kid Cap, you're grounded. Which means I have put a barrier on where you are to go. It's not just because you were putting yourself in constant danger without telling me and potentially aiding Spiderboy with destroying a Ferry, it's because you went into a coma. I'd rather not repeat any of that."

She rolled her eyes, "Fine, I understand the last part, but I promise if you give me a curfew and better phone coverage than I promise you, you can trust me!" He didn't budge, "Tony, your daughter is never around, she's having the time of her life while I'm stuck in here literally starting to understand what it's like to decay from boredom." She threw her hands up in emphasis.

Tony stayed silent for a while, clearing thinking it over. "I do not trust you with any sort of suit or webbing, you are not a spider-ling alright? So no swinging from rooftop to rooftop. And you will be home by 10pm every single night on the dot, any later and I will have more FBI, police, helicopters and PI's circling the city than 9/11 did. You're phone is to be fully charged and on at all times, if I call and you do not answer, the same thing will happen with the police. Are we clear?" He nonchalantly said.

After an entire week of doing nothing except school and training, I was beginning to think there was no hope. But now I see the light and I am never straying away from it. "Yes, yes yes! Thank you so much Uncle Tony. I will not break your rules. Thank you!" I hugged him and he hugged back.

"These rules are in place to keep you safe, okay. If your father came back and saw his daughter ripped to shreds or something worse, he would make sure I was 6 feet frozen in a lake for more than 70 years. I don't want that on my conscience." Riley nodded really fast.

When they got back that night after the Ferry, things went super south, not just with their fight. Riley had hung up on Peter when he tried to call, and avoided him all week at school. She was afraid he was mad at her, or worse. And she didn't want to break the already minuscule trust that Tony had with her, and she knew that if they talked, they would've wanted to hang out or swing together. And she wouldn't have stopped herself from leaving.

Riley was eager to finally call Peter, or finally answer the phone when he calls everyday. Yup, he's called every day that week since she's hung up. But he's never left a message.

"And, uh Riley," Tony called after her as she started to walk to her room, "As for Homecoming..."

"No." She said in disbelief. He wouldn't keep her from it. Would he?

"As of right now, I have no reason to fully trust you. So, no. No Homecoming dance."

"No! I'm on the committee for it! I helped plan it! And it's only a week away."

"Show me I can trust you, and I'll let you go. You have 5 days, kid." And with that, he walked away.


Tomorrow is Monday, which means she can finally have a little more freedom.

On the way to her room, she was so busy with her plans for the week that she didn't even hear Sabrina call for her, until she was pulled back by her. "Woah!"

"Sorry you weren't listening. I have something to show you!" Sabrina excitedly explained and pulled Riley to her room. Inside it, was what looked like armor and a bunch of science things that only the daughter of Tony Stark could understand. "Remember at the Decathlon I told you about the hand pulser I had tried to upgrade to make it send radioactive pulses to any type of metal and/or electronics?"

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