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Yui P.O.V.
     We just arrived in the limo. We all said bye to each other and went to our class. But Sabaru and laito. We get inside the class room and I sit in my normal seat, in the back. Sabaru was coming my way and then laito sat next to me on my left and and Sabaru sat next to me on my right. "Welcome class I have a geadach so just talk amongst your friends and please keep it down at a medium" our teacher says with a sweet smile as she sits on chair next to her desk. "Yes Sakura Sensei" we all said. I turned to my right to see Sabaru sleeping. I turn to my left and I see Laito on his phone. I tap him. Then he looks at me. "Yes Bitch~Chan?" he said not looking up from his phone. "Can I play a game on your phone with you? I am bored." I say hoping he says yes. "Sure" he says and presses his home screen. "What game?" he says. I see Geometry Dash. "How about Geometry Dash?" I says suggestivly. "Ok me first" he says with a smirk but its not like his flirty smirks its a more of a friendly one. He. Ended up playing for about more then 4 minutes. And handed the phone to me. "Thank you" I said as I grabbed the phone and started playing. "No problem" he said. After I while of playing we got bored So we just started talking. Laito is not that much of a jerk or a pervert. I told him see ya later after the bell rang and he walked out. I was about to leave and then i noticed Sabaru was still sleeping. I forgot he was here. I stood next to him. I slowly and softly shook his shoulders. He was still sound asleep. For a vampire he can sleep. "I will be back in a an hour I have a meeting when you leave make sure you closes the door. See you later Yui" Sakura Sensei said. "Ok see you later Sakura Sensei" she left and I heard a lock from out side. Then I shook Sabaru a little harder. He mummbled in his sleep. I did it hard and whispered wake up. He slowly woke up. He rubbed his eyes. "Yui what happend, where is everyone we are late for our next class and we have this classroom to our selfs for two periods" I said. "Ok then what you want to do" he said. He picked his dry lips and looked so devourable. I looked away. "Are you hungry?" I know he was. "Just a little" he went to reach in his backpack for the juice that lessens his thirst for blood. I stoped him. He looked at me questionably. "You can drink some of my blood if you want..." I said looking away shyly. "Are you sure I can?" he said looking into my pink sherbert orbs. I nod my head looking into his red orbs. He slowly stuck his fangs into my neck. Softly sucking my blood. Is it weird that it kinda felt good? Snap out of it! I then grip into his shoulders. He immediately stoped. And held into my waist, which got me to blush. "Are you ok did I do to much?" he said worriedly "no it was feeling kind of good...." I said with a blush and looked away. Then I looked at his lips and he looked at mines. Then he leaned in close to me as I lean in close to him. Our lips were like 2 centimeters apartfrom each other. Then he broke the distance. And kissed me. I moved my arms and put them around his neck playing with his hair. He moved his arms to my waist and pulled me closer to him which I didn't complain and neither did he. He nibbled on my bottom lip which caught me by surprised and I moaned. He put his tounge in my mouth which got me to moan. Then I had to catch my breath so I pulled away. Even Sabaru was breathing heavily and he was a vampire. "Wow...." we both said in a wisper. He pulled close to him then we pulled apart and gathered our stuffs and decided to wait for the bell to go to our next class since the bell was about to ring for then next period.

Sorry it was short. It's 11:05.

Word Count: 752

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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