Fun to be fat

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So I've been on my diet for about 2 months now. I think my uniform is on its last legs because the top is practically a bra wich is kinda good because I had just broke my last bra yesterday. And my pants just slide under my belly. And thoes lunch ladies that kept pressuring us to eat more food wont stop asking us untill all the food is gone. Well after all of this im now 155 and according to the inernet im overweight.  I don't know if I should be happy or sad. Yeah Annabell can't control herself all you see her doing now is sleeping eat and her work. I like looking like this I feel really soft and fuzzy inside. Today is the half way point of the school year so I opend the door and found 2 big chocolate cakes. Gave one to Annabell and the other to me I went in my room and using my sausage looking fingers and shoved the cake straight into my mouth.

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