Chapter 4

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<--- John

Taylor's POV

We all crouched down next to the suitcase. Well except for Shades. He was staring at the wall with an unreadable expression.

"These are for you" John said handing us some papers. "These are your new identities"

I stared wide eyed at the papers in my hands. I quickly read through it. Luckily my name was the same, but my last name is now Lilly instead of Johnson.

"Taylor Lilly?" I asked with confusion. "That doesn't sound realistic"

"Well not all names are realistic but the name is sweet so it gives a good first impression" said John

"Yeah like a name is going to change who I am" I scoffed. If 'sweet' was the image he was giving me then the next thing he'd be doing is putting me in frilly dresses. There was no way I was allowing that.

"You'd be surprised" was all he said.

I carried on reading about the new me. So my name is Taylor Lilly, I am 19 and was born in New York. I was actually born in Louisiana, but I guess they wanted to keep me far from any connection with my parents. Well this wouldn't be hard to remember.

"This is it? We become new people with just this?" I asked unsure

"Well we have a team working on filling in the blanks such as birth certificates and Wedding certificates along with working on the internet so that if anyone searches for you they'll see-"

"IM MARRIED?!" I almost screamed and jumped to my feet.

"Oh yes. And you two better make it believable" he said with a wink and then went back to talking.

I couldn't hear what he was saying. I was too shocked. I stared at Jamie and he was staring at me. Why isn't he saying anything?

"I need a minute" I whispered and walked to the far side of the room where I couldn't hear Shades and John discussing.

Someone put their hand on the small of my back. Well not 'someone', I knew it was Jamie.

"Are you okay?" he asked

"No. I can't do this" I said with tears in my eyes. If anytime was a good time to be weak then it would be now.

He pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around my waist and I laid my head on his chest. It's hard to believe he was a stranger only a few hours ago. And now look at us. We're married.

"I'm only 19" I whispered while the tears ran down my cheeks.

"I know. But look on the bright side, at least you're stuck with me". I could hear the smirk. Boys just couldn't have a serious moment could they?

I looked up at him. I had to smile when he smiled at me. It was almost automatic.

"There, see? Isn't too hard is it?" said John. I jumped and pulled away from Jamie. He scratched the back of his head and looked uncomfortable.

I looked at the floor and quickly rubbed away the tears.

"Okay then. Well you need to read each others papers please. You're married so should know everything about each other. We can't afford to slip up"

I nodded and went back to the suitcase. Jamie handed me his papers and I handed him mine. Jamie Love, 19, born in Boston. Love? Really?

"Hey Jamie?" I whispered, not wanting to distract John.

"Yeah?" he whispered back. His blue eyes grabbed mine and I was speechless. What was I going to say again? Oh yeah, "what's your real last name?"

He smiled and scratched the back of his head. I could tell he did this when he was uncomfortable. Maybe he was still unsure about trusting me. I rolled my eyes. "We're married and you can't even trust me" I said smirking at him. I guess making light of this situation was the right way to go.

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