Chapter 4

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-The NextDay-
ZFRmom's POV
Zoey,Freddy,And Richard's Dad is coming im going to cleanup the house but first i want to take a bath.
*ZFRmom opens the water in the Bathtub she didn't notice that Zoey was there*
ZFRmom:Why are you sleeping here Zoey?
Z:I didn't sleep in my room because Richard was teasing me.
ZFRmom:What is he teasing You?
Z:That im CryBaby and Im scared of Horror Movies
ZFRmom:Well Don't Worry Im going to talk to Richard,Go and Change Your Clothes.
Z:Okay Mom.*She went to her room,She changed her clothes in her Secret Place*
R:What Are you doing in my room?
Z:This is my room too.
R:Oh Yeah,So where did you sleep last night?
Z:Im not going to tell you...
Z:Nothing...Im going to the Playground.
Z:Mom Im going to the Playground.
ZFRmom:Okay,Be careful.
Z:okay Mom.*She left*
--At The Playground--
Zoey's POV
Hmm...What Can I do here?Im so Bored,I don't know what to do?
???:What's Your name?
Z:Im Zoey,What's Your name?
???:Im Nicky,Do you want to be my Friend?
Z:Sure,Tell me about yourself.*They sit down in the swing*
N:Im 8 Years old,My Birthday is on May 24 2011,I have a Twin Brother and A Twin Sister.Their names are Ricky and Dawn.Now Tell me about yourself.
Z:I was born on December 5 2011,I have 2 older brothers.Their names are Richard,he's 10,Freddy,he's 15.
N:Do you want to meet my Brother and sister?
N:Okay Wait here i will call them.*He runs,He comes back with his siblings*Im back.
Z:Hello guys.
R:Hello Im Ricky.
D:Hello Im Dawn.
Nicky Harper:

--------------------------------------------Nicky Harper:

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Ricky Harper:

Ricky Harper:

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Dawn Harper:

-------------------------------------------Z:Hi Im Zoey

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Z:Hi Im Zoey.
D:Im Dawn,Im 8 years old,Im older than them 5 mins.
R:Im Ricky,Nicky is older than me in 12 seconds.
D:Can you tell us about yourself?
Z:Im 8 years old,Im born on December 5 2011.I have 2 older brothers.Richard is 10 years old and Freddy is 15 years old.
R:Finally Im older than someone,BTW why do you have a cast?
Z:A girl named Carla pushed me off the slide I was on the Top sitting then she push me.
R:That girl is mean.
D:What do you guys want to play?
N:How about Hide and Seek.
N:Who's going to be the seeker?
N:Okay count 1 to 15.
...13...14...15!Ready or not here i come.
Third person's POV
Nicky is Hiding Under the Little Pirate ship,Ricky is Hiding On top of the tree,
Dawn is Hiding behind some bushes.
Zoey Found them all in 3 minutes Ricky was found first,Then Nicky,Then Dawn.They played again and after that They all went home...
F:Zoey,Where did you go?
Z:I was at the Playground.
ZFRmom:You forgot to eat breakfast.
Z:Oh yeah...Lets eat.
ZFRmom:So what did you do at the playground?
Z:I met 3 new friends.First one i met was a boy named Nicky his really nice and he has a twin brother and a twin sister,I met them then we played Hide and seek.
R:How old are they?
Z:They are 8 years old too but they are older than me because their birthday is on May 24 2011.
R:Oh okay.
ZFRmom:Lets Eat.
*They were eating then someone knocks on the door*
F:Who is it?*He opens the door*
ZFRdad:It's Me your Dad*ZFRdad hugs Freddy*I missed you
F:I missed you too...
ZFRmom:Honey Your home!*ZFRmom hugs ZFRdad*
ZFRdad:I missed you Honey.Where's Zoey and Richard?
*Zoey and Richard Runs and Hugs ZFRdad*
ZFRdad:I missed you my sweethearts.
Z:I missed you too Daddy.
R:I really miss you Daddy.
ZFRdad:Do you guys want to go to the mall?
ZFRdad:Lets all get ready.
*Everyone runs to their room to change*
Richard's Outfit:

*Everyone runs to their room to change*Richard's Outfit:

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Freddy's Outfit:

Freddy's Outfit:

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Zoey's Outfit:

(Without the Hula Hoop,of course)ZFRdad:Lets go

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(Without the Hula Hoop,of course)
ZFRdad:Lets go.
*They went to the Mall*
ZFRdad:What do you guys want to do First?
F:Lets Eat Lunch.
ZFRdad:Sure,Where do you want to eat?
F:Mcdonalds.*They went to Mcdonalds*
Hey guys I did not update because My phone was Broken but now its okay,Sorry its really short.😘😘😘Bye guys

😘😘😘Bye guys

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