●~ PART 19 ~●

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I remember waking up and seeing a bright white light hitting my face.

"Ok she has woken up! Someone go and tell the man waiting outside!" Someone said.

"Hello ms. Y/N. How are you feeling?" Another voice asked me.

"I.. I feel numb." I told him.

"Hm.." he said and walked to the other side of the room.

After a while he came back.

"We will let you go home but you have to take this medicine" he said and handled me a note.

I took it and slowly memory came back to me. Me fainting on a stage.

I slowly opened the door or the room I was in and a sudden yellow light from the light bulbs that were outside hit my eyes and I squinted them not seeing anything around.

As I slowly entered the hallway I got attacked by a male.

He hugged me and I knew it was Hoseok by the way he hugs me.

"Y/N..." he said.

"Y-yes?" I asked him.

"You are fine! I thought you are going to die" he said and hugged me tighter.

"W-what?" I asked him questioning

He let me go.

"W-well... Miley put you some toxic substances in your water bottle so they said you might die.." he said.

I froze. I couldn't believe that Miley could go this far.

"Y/N!!" I heard Yoongi scream.

I turned around and he hugged me tightly.

After that Jimin came and hugged me and everyone else.

"You are fine!!" Jimin cheered.

I nodded.

The feeling of numb didn't leave me.

"Y/N.. you don't seem like yourself" Hoseok said.

"I-I know.." I told him.

He took me aside from others.

We stood behind a corner so no one could hear our conversation.

"Hey.. what's up?" He asked me.

"I-I don't know.." I told him.

"Is it because you know it was Miley?" He asked me.

"N-no." I told him.

"W-what then?" He asked me.

"I-I don't know" as I said that I started crying.

He noticed me crying and pulled me close to him so he hugged me tightly.

"I don't know what happening. I've been feeling like this since I opened my eyes today" I said and just rested my head on his chest.

He sighed and held my tight.

"Y/N-AH? HOSEOK-AH?" Jimin called us.

"YES?" Hoseok shouted.

"THE CAB IS HERE" Jimin screamed

We broke the hug and slowly headed to the exit.

They all were already waiting for us outside.

Hoseok glanced at me and wiped away my tears with his thumb.

We were about to exit when suddenly Seokjin ran inside.

"Y/N there are tons of paparazzi so you better put this mask on" he handed me a mask and I put it on not wanting any attention right now.

Hoseok put his arm around my shoulder and guided me outside to the cab.

Everyone outside were screaming. I couldn't make any words of  what they were yelling.

I hid my face with my hands.

We quickly got in the cab and the driver started driving.

I rested my head on the window.
I sighed and kept staring outside at the houses around us.

"Uhm.. Y/N are you ok?" Yoongi asked me.

"I don't know" I told him.

I did not know. Am I ok? Am I feeling bad? Am I even alive? I did not know.

As I thought about all of this more I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"We arrived" the driver said.

We all stepped out and Namjoon unlocked the door.

We all went inside.

I was the first one to enter it.

I turned around and everyone was standing in the doorway.

"Yes?" I asked them.

"We want to know where you will go first" Jungkook said.

Taehyung elbowed him.

"Shhh" he said

"Uhm.. I will go and take a rest" I said and went upstairs to my room.

I never felt as numb as today.

I wasn't going to sleep.

I layed in my bed and scrolled through social media.

Suddenly I heard my door slowly open. I hid my phone and acted as if I was asleep.

Someone came in my room and sat on my bed.

He started patting my back.

"Ah, Y/N.." it was Hoseok.

"You truly don't deserve this.."

"You deserve being loved. You don't deserve hate..."

"I like you.."

"I like you alot.."

"I liked you since you came here..."

"Even tho Yoongi also really adores you.. I like you even more" he chuckled.

"I hope you hear this..." he said and put his hand next to his legs now.

He was about to stand up.

"I did" I told him.


YO. This is bad I know. Im sorry but lets just keep reading because it might get better

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