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i could hear the music blasting from down the street. i felt awful for gaten's neighbors, he has so many parties and if they're all like this, nothing good can come out of it. 

i guess gaten's party started about an hour ago, i bet people will be coming and going all night long.

audrey opened the door and we walked into gaten's average sized house. the house reeked of alcohol and sweat. i bet that's the natural scent in gaten's house from him drinking and partying all the time. audrey and i exchanged glances once we saw two guys walk over to audrey and zoey.  

"we're going to dance, you two should come too!"zoey said. i looked at audrey and she shook her head. audrey was too shy to dance in front of people, and i didn't want to leave her alone so i guess i won't dance either.  

"it's okay, go have fun." i said. they both shrugged and took off with the guys.  

"you wanna get a drink?" audrey asked  over the blasting music. i nodded and we made our way over to the table. i didn't even recognize half of these people, do they even go to our school? i bit the inside of my lip as audrey poured me a drink, and handed me it. i thanked her, and she poured one for herself. 

i ran a hand through my straightened hair and looked around the party. i scanned the sweaty bodies of people on the dance floor, and then i found him, joey. sitting on the couch with charles, chad, and mark, they were all holding red cups in their hands. 

joey was drinking and laughed at something chad said. charles nodded towards someone, or something on the dance floor and joey turned around. i followed what they were looking at and saw tori grinding on some guy. her shirt was basically screaming 'slut' all over it. seriously, get a shirt that doesn't have your boobs hanging out for god's sake. 

joey leaned back in the couch, and took another sip, watching tori and the guy carefully. i know joey doesn't usually like people, but to go through all this trouble for just one girl that cheats on you repeatedly? he must have some feelings towards her. 

a ping of jealous went through me, as i watched the way he looked at her. he swiped a hand through his floppy hair and chad said something to him. joey blinked a couple of times, and then looked at him. i looked away from them, only to look back at audrey.  

"this party blows," she said. 

"hi," someone said from behind us. i turned around and so did audrey. we came upon two boys wearing university sweatshirts. i couldn't quite make out the names. 

"are you really the type of guys who wears college sweatshirts to a party to try to get girls." i said. they both chuckled.  

"i guess so," the dirty blonde haired one said.  

"what's your name?" the boy with the brown hair said to audrey.  

"audrey," she said shyly. audrey's always been shy, even when we were kids she was shy.  

"well you're beautiful audrey, you wanna go dance?" the boy asked. she looked at me, and i nodded towards her.  

"um, sure." she said and looked back at the good looking boy. i watched the two of them walk onto the dance floor. 

"so, that leaves the two of us." the boy said. right, i forgot about him.  

"what's your name?" he asked.  

"avery," i said and took a sip of my drink. i felt the liquid burning the back of my throat, and swallowed quickly to try to get the burning away.  

"what's yours?" i asked.  

"caleb," he said and ran a hand through his hair.  

"this party sucks." he said and leaned back on the counter behind him.  

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