One Shots

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Okay, so I've seen a TON of other people doing this and I thought I'd give it a shot, except for the fact that when I finish a story (no matter which one it is, poetry, novel, blah) I'll look at this and see which story has the most votes and start up that one in whichever version you liked more (TELL ME IN LE COMMENTS!). I like being busy.

The majority will be romances and werewolf stories because when I first started this, I was in love with them. For each one I'll put the original typing (if I have it) the the redone version so you can tell me which you like better or which parts of it you like better. If you want to take idea and put your own little spin on it, I'm perfectly fine with that as long as you ask my permission as well as dedicate to me. If you don't, I'll do whatever you're supposed to do when that type of thing happens.

Some of the stories you may remember if you're a long-time fan, others you'll wonder (with my current writing style) if I even wrote them at all. Some may be collaborations with people on my former shared account that I deleted because they all ditched me (I'm still hurt). Anyways, thanks so much for this. The first story will be posted on June 29th.

I hope that you enjoy what I'll be posting in the future and, as always, want you to know that I'm PERFECTLY fine with a comment or a vote or maybe fan. If you check out some of my other works, I'd that'd be PERFECTLY fine to. *hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge, poke poke, SCREAM*

Let's end this HowBoysThink style!


One ShotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum