Don't Remember

13 1 1

G*E*N*R*E*S: Romance, Fantasy, Adventure

                 Walking around the school in my regular path I was tossed around, knocked down occasionally, but that's what you get for being a nobody. You aren't noticed, you aren't bullied, you could dance on a stripper pole at a huge bash and no one would recognize you the next day even if you stole all their money. I've tried it. I could even make someone commit suicide but that's just a little too controlling. Right now I needed to see what today gossip is to update my mental files.

                I fixed my hearing on one of the gossip girls of the school and she sounded much more enthusiastic than usual. "Can you BELIEVE it? He's finally single. The bitch was expelled after the school board found out about her being a prostitute in Northmont." Let's see, who dated Sapphire? Oh right, it's the school pretty boy, James Burnon. He's your typical high school stereotype for what every other girl in my school wants, money, fame, and the high probability of sex. Simple as anything else in this stupid high school. I shook my head and entered my history teacher's room. Everyone's little brain was fixated on this small occurrence. It's like the breakup was a boulder randomly falling out of the sky and into a pond, totally unexpected but something that couldn't be ignored by them.

                "Children, let's stop talking about whatever it is and get onto the topic of World War One. Now does anyone know what started this war? Jeffery?" He called and my day started.

                Next thing I know, its lunchtime. I hate lunch because I have to sit outside and just stare out at the wilderness. I really hate just sitting there. It's not my nature. I'm an explorer not a sit-on-her-ass-er. I flew through the lunch line and the started heading outside. Everything after happened in slow motion. I slip on a taco shell; my tray goes flying into the air and lands directly on James Burnon. Great, now I'll be noticed and the stereotype hunk in going to cuss me out. I sat and waited for the insults to start flying, but they never did. I glanced into his eyes and saw fascination. What the hell is there to be fascinated with?

                "You're Ashelle aren't you?" He asked me. I stared in shock. This would have to be a definite first. How did he recognize me? "I wouldn't forget your steely eyes if my life depended on it." He explained, noticing the bewilderment in my eyes. "Let me help you up." He pulled himself of the ground and extended an arm out to me. I resentfully grabbed it and he hoisted me up. I glanced around and noticed the lunchroom was the definition of silence. How the hell do people do that? They can't do it during class but when someone's lunch ends up on a popular kid's head it goes eerily silent. I swear these people are weirdoes.

                "I'm sorry about that. I guess that's what I get for coming to school on taco day." I said while turning around. You know how usually this is where the guy says 'Wait, come back' then asks you out? Well, he didn't. Why? He has an actual reputation to protect and I have mine. I can't have people recognize me. It's just not natural for me.

Once I was out of the building I heard the door open and close once again and then the shuffling of feet against the concrete. I know that walk anywhere, even if it was over cotton. "Hey Greg. What's up?" I asked, staring at my lap wondering why he would leave his popular peeps just to come here.

                "What's up? What's up is that you just dissed James Burnon and you simply walk away. How in the hell could you do that?" He asked while running his hand through his hair. "This isn't going to be one of those things that blow over like usual. You're going to start being recognized then people will remember.” I sighed, running a hand through my hair as well. He was right. I couldn’t be recognized. If I was, they’d all remember.


A/N: I'm so sorry that this is so late! I never meant for it to be this late, but I got so busy that I couldn't upload it and then I had a stupid ethernet malfunction, so yeah, but what matters is that it's up now. Remember! If you like this one, vote for it and I may post it as an official book. If you want to use the idea, just ask me. If you don't as me though and I find out you've used my idea.... I won't even say. Another thing: This is the unrefined version. It's slightly edited, but not a lot. I really wanted to post something for you guys so yeah. Here ya go!

~(:^{D~>- Smile with the Pablo!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2012 ⏰

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