Chapter 9

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We was all sitting in the waiting room "Yo where is Nova, Milani, and Nasiya?" They would've been here. "I tried calling them but none of them is answering" Kyah stressed.

I got up "I'm going to get some water" Walking towards the vending machine, I was almost knocked over. "We're losing them!" I looked and seen Milani and Nasiya on stretchers. I was confused, where is my girlfriend?

"She's not breathing! We need help!" and my whole world stopped when I seen Nova.

Grabbing the nurse "What happened to her?!" "She was in a hit and run but it seemed it was intentional" Feeling myself get mad "So you telling me somebody was trying to hurt them?" She quickly nodded.

Trying to get to her "Sir you cant go back there, you have to wait in the waiting room" Punching the wall, I felt Kd grab me "Man whats going on?" I just walked back to waiting room.

"Idk about ya, but I'm bouta go find Milani and them" Babyjoe said grabbing his keys "I'll go with you" Loyalty spoke up. Sighing "I already found them" Everyone looked at me confused.

"Family of Milani and Nasiya Daniels and Cassanova Francis?" Everybody looked shocked. Babyjoe stood "Nah you confused wym?" I shook my head "Nah they right, they was in a hit and run, Doc tell me they good"

"Well Nasiya just had a broken arm luckily , Milani just has minor cuts and bruises. "The doctor paused and spoke again "Cassanova Francis had slipped into a coma but we were able to wake her up. You may see them"

Before anybody could say anything, another doctor came out "Family of India Daniels?" We all looked at him "India has went into immediate labor but she's lost alot of blood, we need someone to give her blood"

Youngboy stepped up "Ill do it Doctor that's my sister" Boomer hugged him "Thanks Bro"

"Alright come on young man" Watching YB and Boomer walk away, I said a quick prayer and headed to Nova's room "Aye mamas you okay"

She looked at me and smiled weakly "My head hurts but I'm fine" She laid back and jumped up and fell. "Where is Nasiya and Milani? Omg are my sisters okay?"

Quickly grabbing her "Yeah they have little injuries, that's it. Now tell me what happened" Looking at me "Alright we left the place and headed to the hospital and all I remember was Milani yelling and a truck hit us"

"You know who did this?" She looked away "I have no idea" Standing over her "Mamas I'm not playing with you."

Before she could respond Milani, Loyalty,Nasiya, Janai and Kyah and the gang walked in. "AYE MY BITCHES GOOD" Cas said yelling at Milani and Nasiya.

I just mugged her until Lani said something "Fix your face Ben you look even more disgusting"
"Not right now Lani, now back to you. You have no idea who did this?"

Milani looked nervous"Man we received a text saying "Youre next" but I aint think much of it. " Babyjoe yoked her up "People playing on your phone and you aint tell me" Scrunching her face up "Lose your life if you want to Joe grabbing me like I'm a lil ragdoll" She said pushing me.

"You lucky " He walked out and slammed the door.

I looked back at Cas and she tried to play sleep " Nova i'll fuck you up.I love you But you know what since you grown, say less" I walked out. Seeing Joe talking to Boomer "Say India good?" He smiled "Yeah and my daughter here nigga but they sleep" I dapped him "Congrats nigga but ill be back tomorrow, Joe you need a ride?" He nodded.

Walking out "Ima give Nova a break since she good without me" He looked at me "I might be done with Milani, she obviously don't fw a nigga like I thought.

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