Chapter 7

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The farther I got from the willow tree, the more the ground curled and tumbled into grey hills. I wonder what made the grass here grey or if it was grass at all. All in all, it looked, felt, and acted the same as normal, green grass, but the color of course. Off in the distance, which wasn't miles away though still seemed so, was what looked like water with islands dotting the surface and bridges connecting a few to the mainland. The water itself felt off, mainly because it was a perfect reflection of the sky above. This I could tell because of the reflection off on the horizon.

Speaking of the horizon, it was off too. Though I have to admit, I can't just stand here and expect every little detail about this place to be logical. For all I know, water may run up instead of down like on Earth. There were these blue-ish glowing whisps at the water's edge that lifted into the air only a little ways and curled in a dance with the ever so gentle wind. At this moment alone, with the grass waving and the whisps dancing, I felt calm. Like there was nothing to be worried about.

Like the Earth wasn't in imminent danger of some beast that wanted control over everything this "god" was capable of. 

I wanted to wake up already.

I sat there in the grass for a bit and thought about my situation. She had a point, about everything.  I was stuck in a loop where either way, I'd end up dealing with IT. Whether or not I was prepared was up to me. Sure, I'd be immortal, but who wants to live forever? At some point, I'd like to move on from this all. Then again, it would grant me protection from death, which is the last thing I want from any situation, which is almost guaranteed in this one. But saving an entire planet from immense danger and preventing further corruption sounded like a handful, let alone protecting all these 'realms' from certain doom was just the icing on the cake.

"...It may take more than a few hundred years to find a way to get her cured and then you could cure the rest of the other corrupted as well..."  

This all would take a 'few hundred years' to find the answer. Then I could "cure the rest of the corrupted," meaning the IT has taken others under its control and replaced them with carbon copies of themselves. I wonder how many other families have been affected here on Earth alone. I can't say that other species have something close to families, but I can probably say they all must have had someone, or something close to them. 

And she also said something about being my guide while I learned, so I wouldn't be alone in this. She'd be there to show me how to work her abilities and use them properly to help save and/or protect others. And for a while, I would still have Casey by my side, supporting me. 

Once he was gone, though, I would be left alone.

...All... Alone...

As I let my mind wander through all the thoughts in my head, spinning around being alone and dealing with interplanetary beings, I took note of what else was around me.

The closest bridge to me lead to a large island covered in huge jungle trees and underbrush, spotted with little neon colors which must have been tropical flowers of some sorts. The trees sprouted up high into the sky and seemed to be reaching endlessly to the top. Even from here I could hear the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves, but from here I couldn't tell if they were even moving an inch. Over by the bridge were bushes of flowers, and upon first inspection, seemed normal. Looking closer, they were white lilies and lavenders.

"Why would there be lilies and lavenders here?" I ask curiously to the little owl, who in return turned its head to me and gave me a little squawk. "I don't know either that's why I'm asking you, my little-feathered friend. They're just flowers. What harm can flowers cause to me?" 

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