Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I sit in my study where I have all my paintings. One more down another million to go, I think. It feels good though to paint my fears. It is better to wake up in the morning after numerous nightmares and paint my nightmares. It's like when I paint I am getting rid of a bit more fear inside me. 

I go to the kitchen where I check up on the loaves of bread. I notice the calming scent of the bread as I inhale deeply. Yum, I think. Mmmmmmm I think they need a bit more. I go back to my study and continue painting and realize its been almost an hour. I notice that it's nearly 11 o'clock and I should take the bread over to Haymitch and make sure that he is awake and ready for the tour.

The lovely aroma of freshly baked bread hits my nose as soon as I open the oven door. Just the sight of the loaves makes my mouth water. It's nearly eleven. I head over to Haymitch's house to deliver the bread, bracing myself for the foul place that is his home. I hear voices and guess that Katniss must be here.

" ... Be babied you should have asked Peeta" says Katniss.

"Asked me what?" I ask as I enter the foul smelling kitchen.

"To wake me up without giving me pneumonia," says a soaking wet Haymitch passing over his knife. He takes off his soiled shirt revealing an equally filthy undershirt.

I hand the bread over to Haymitch then turn to Katniss for the first time.

"Would you like some," I offer.

"No, I ate at the hob. But thank you anyway," she says. Her voice is so different to how it used to be when we were in the games. It's so formal, the way it's been since the cameras left after the games.

"Brrrrrrrr, you two have a lot of warming up to do before show time." 

I sigh. I know that the audience will be expecting a pair of love birds who are happy to be alive and together. I look over at Katniss and her expression suggests she is thinking similar things. All she says though is, "Take a bath, Haymitch."

She then swings out the window and trudges across the lawn to her house.

"Well I better get going," I say." I've got some paintings to finish off," I say and leave.

As I cross the grass to my house I think about today. Today is the day of the victory tour. Katniss and I have to go on a tour to all the districts and pretend to be in love. Well, she does, I don't but I have been in love with her since we were five-years-old, and I want what is just an act between us to be real.

I get a surprise shortly after I get home. My prep team Credina, Alino and Janie, are here early with my stylist Portia. "Suprise!!!!!," they squeal.

Yay, I think sarcastically, more prepping. Ohh well I guess it could be worse, I mean I might not even be alive right now so I guess im not in the position to complain.

~~~ A/N~~~ 

Hey guys, this is my first book so I would like you to give me any feedback , good or bad. I also will rad and comment on ur books if u ask me 2.

Thank you for reading my story 

Jess <3

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