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Last time, I went to the shopping market to buy some food. Seeing all the celebrities showing off the food in a piece of paper. I felt bad for myself but I carried on. I got some apples for $0.80 each. But then again, for the apples, it had a price. I went to the dairy section and got some yogurt, it had a price. And after the rest of the shopping, I came back to those models and stared at them. Then, I stared at my food. I felt so mad that I left it be. I went to the plastic surgeon and said I wanted to be like the models. He sighed but told me you couldn't afford. Slowly I got to learn that there was a site that is selling a medicine to make you slim no matter what you eat. Not tested, but I was tempted to take the medicine. I ordered it but they said I should sign a waiver, so I did.
Few days later I was so slim and happy. Nothing can ever make me fat. But little did I know that I was getting slimmer and slimmer that I can actually see my bones. I was scared to go outside to look at me like that. I was ashamed, sad, and wondering why did this happen to me. Turns out, I have to pay the price to be -- everything went dark --

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