Chapter 3

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I was right about Harrison's crew not leaving me alone. Everywhere I turned someone was there. It seemed like they were pretty popular so I assumed they'd leave me alone after a week or two but boy was I wrong. Three and a half weeks in and they're all still stuck to me, I couldn't even lie about needing to work when they invited me places since they all seemed close with Kaylie and had her number to check.

Everyone was constantly trying to drag me around places or making me watch practices. They even tried to get me to go to their study group twice a week, thankfully they gave up after I declined a couple times. But, I couldn't even really get away from them then either since they seemed to go to Yours & Mine for their study group more often than not.

On the bright side, it didn't seem like they knew about me being a werewolf yet so I think I'm still in the clear there. Their attitude hasn't changed since I met them, if anything they've all gotten much friendlier and open. The full moon didn't seem to have an effect on much either. A couple of the kids were missing from school for a bit but that's normal, and all of the teachers seemed to be used to it.

I didn't know much about the full moons but I was told they affect people differently depending on a couple things. I didn't want to take any chances in case someone's sense of smell got better, so I used a charm for females in heat during those couple days.

As much as I hated to admit, I was enjoying being here. Besides the constant anxiety of being found out or having to be alert when a werewolf was around of course. Work was going great and I had practically memorized all the baking recipes by now. Kaylie and I loved each other and had become good friends. I was starting to learn about the regulars and they seemed to like me too. My coworkers were nice and they didn't seem to mind I was younger than them.

My 'apartment' was an unused room in a local motel. It was in the older and smaller of the two buildings and the owner had decided to rent them out privately instead of through the Motel business. The smaller building only had six rooms since the rest of it seemed to have been cut off, it was also across the road from newer and current Motel. The smaller one wasn't fancy but it was pretty well kept. The utilities in my room had been updated and it was slightly nicer than the rooms in the Motel. The owner was an older man, but he seemed pretty okay. I liked him since he didn't stick his nose into other peoples business and didn't ask questions. I was extremely thankful for it.

And even better for me, my room was walking distance from the local grocery store. I'd only gone once since I got here because I still had a lot of food from my old place. But now my supply was running out so I had to go get more.

School had been cancelled for a couple days due to maintenance or something. I had called Kaylie to let her know I could work for a bit. I decided to go shopping before I went to work for a few hours.

I walked out of my room and locked the door behind me. I glanced over and saw one of the other tenants down the string of doors going into his room. I had seen him a couple times, usually drunk or with women. He was a big guy and everything about him seemed to say 'alcoholic'. Thankfully he didn't seem to get out much so I never had the misfortune of running into him.

I shoved my keys into my pocket and took out my phone and headphone. I had figured out if you were listening to music people seemed less inclined to speak to you even if they knew you. Plus this way I wouldn't flinch at sudden noises, another stupid thing about being a wolf.

When I got to the grocery store I grabbed a cart and pulled out my phone which had a list I had made throughout the week on it. After going around figuring where things were, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked over and took an earbud out.

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