Laughing-Jack X Reader Rogue Part 1

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She was running, dogs barking, men shouting, threatening to stop or they will shoot, but she just kept on running ‘faster!  Need to run faster!’ she thought. She quickened her pace and dogs and shouting seemed to get quieter, she sighed in relief but kept running, not wanting to take chances. Then all of a sudden a big light was on her, she looked up, a helicopter was hot on her tail, she looked forward and went in different directions to try an confuse it but greatly failed, she just kept on running forward and her hope meter was going down thinking it was all over and she was going to go back to hell, but wait, a cliff? She stopped at the edge and looked down, water, there was water.  She heard the dogs and the men again, looked back and took a deep breath and jumped.

People say she died or that was all one big myth, the story basically was, a little girl around 4-5 had weird, abnormal strength and speed and even turned into some kind of monster if provoked or threatened had escaped from a military base, but people say that ridicules and the story died some time ago, but very few believe she still walks the Earth under a fake Identity. But the question is, do the girl and her story exist?

Reader P.O.V

I was sitting at a coffee shop and drinking a hot chocolate and drawing, there seemed nothing better to do today so, yeah, this is todays plan, and it’s a great plan. I finished my hot chocolate and then the shop owner came up to me “Refill, y/n?” She asked with a smile “Oh yes please, Mrs Oral.” Me and Mrs Oral were really good friends, I am her regular and favourite costumer and always had a hot chocolate ready at table 9 she even lets me off for free “So how’s it going Mrs Oral?” I asked “Busy, the usual, Little Danny broke my favourite cup this morning, but I can’t get angry at him, with his big blue eyes and that smile, but just he wait until he’s older!” I laughed; she often told me about her family, she has 2 children, Leah, a girl who is 6 years and Little Danny who was just born 4 weeks ago. Mrs Oral finished refilling and gave me a biscuit and I gasp in happiness “Oh for me? Oh, you so nice so you are!” She laughed and patted my head; I guess she was more of an auntie than a friend. I finished my hot chocolate once again and my drawing, it was a butterfly, a pretty damn good butterfly of I may say so. I were heading out of the shop and Mrs Oral waved goodbye to me, I turned and looked and went over to her and gave her my butterfly “For Leah, tell her I said hi.” I said, Mrs Oral took the painting and said “Will do.” I needed to be polite and gave her money “For the hot chocolate.” and walked out.

I turned the corner to my street, there wasn’t much people around here, about 1 family and couple of old folk and me was in this street, which came to me just fine, I like the quiet and I wasn’t very social, my love life sucks so I’m just rolling with the singles and Mrs Oral is basically the only person I like and trusted, My family? Dead to me, gone, they abandoned me when I was 3, quite a young age may I say but I remember .Every. Last. Detail. But look where I am now, not a bad turn out. I walked up to my door and got out my keys, there was practically no point in looking doors, not much thieves but I’m not the one that takes chances. I opened the door and got in, this is the gym area, well, the whole room is, you see, I have a BIG house 3 levels, it’s the one that has a shop at the bottom and like home at the top, but I got a better one and got 3 levels, the first level is the gym where I like to train and keep fit, the second floor is home with living room, bedroom, kitchen etc . And top floor is a big, giant art department with a great view to give me lots of inspirations, but today I’m up for dressing cosy and sitting by the fire and probably doze off, yup, today must be lazy day.

 I went towards the elevator to get up to home. I walked out of the elevator and walked into the living room then went to the kitchen which is just at the other side of the room, but when I went passed the couch there was a figure on it, I jumped and grabbed a knife a pointed it towards the stranger “Whoa, whoa! Hey it’s O.K! It’s me!” That was my boss, why is he here? And how did he get in? “What do you want?” I asked putting down the knife “Y/n I’m sorry to say but your fired…” “What!?” I screamed, fired!? But I didn’t do anything wrong “Why!?” I demanded “Well… Uhh… You see… A girl wanted a job…And there wasn’t any room so…” He didn’t need to finish, he fired me because a really hot girl or something wanted a job and he was love-struck, I bet you he didn’t even hesitate “Get out.” I said in a dark manner “Y/n please…” “Get out!” I shouted, he turned and left, what a Dick! This is why I barely trust anyone; I sighed and went back to lazy day, I can get a job tomorrow.

I went into my room and got undressed and put only a long Iron-Man top for guys and went into the living room and put on a fire in my big fireplace, I then went into the kitchen and got myself pot noodle. I leaned against the end of my sofa and closed my eyes, feeling the heat, I’m trying to process with what happened earlier and began to dwell on it, I began throwing my hate to that man and that bitch he replaced me with, my job was an Artist, not one of your famous artists ,no, just that artist that make paintings for your house and just making things look cosy. It was a good job until now, until I realized what assholes worked there, they practically ruined today! I opened my eyes, no point in fighting it, just let it go, let it go~.

I finished my pot noodle and went to bed and as the usual I fell in a dreamless night

Unknown P.O.V

“Heehee, hehe, heheheh. Soon.” 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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Laughing-Jack X Reader Rogue  Part 1Where stories live. Discover now