Reader - Meet Your Roomate! (Part 1)

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..A see someone sitting in the living room of your house.

What the hell ?

In the corner, you note there are.. things that are definitely not yours.

Lowering your arm, you took a closer look at the stranger in your house.

Mewtwo - Yu Zwei

The man sitting on the couch had  rather bright purple, almost pink hair and was dressed rather strangely in a whitish pink robe shirt.

You fliched when his bright blue eyes stared back at you.

It was if he expected you to show up.

Damn, you better say something.


That wasn't it.

The man rolled his eyes and closed his book.

"I am to inform you that I am not a thief but your roommate. I unfortunately can't say it's a pleasure to meet you, because it isn't." He stated cooly and coldly.

You can practically hear intelligence in his voice.

Maybe some condensing here as well.

" Stay out of my business and this will be an.. acceptable partnership."

"Do not disturb me."

You watch the man grab his book and - WAS HE FLOATING?

Yep, definitely floating.

You watched your roommate float away, possibly to his room.

He didn't even spare you a second glance.

You just stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before you muttered in confusion...

" ...What the hell just happened?"

Darkrai - Kai Dark

Your not that easily frightened.

But this guy ..he kinda creeped you out. But at the same time your... fascinated?

The man in the black suit - who wears a suit as casual wear? - looked startled to see you.

And by startled, you meant fumbled on to the floor startled.

"Uh..hi?" You awkwardly waved in greetings.

The man looked at you for a moment before he scrambled onto his feet and ran out of the living room.

You than heard a door slam.

Well..that just happened.

That night, you found a note slipped from under the guest room.

Written on it was the man's name, why he was here, and a smiley face.

Rayquaza - Ray Cosmos
It wasn't  the green haired man that caught your attention.

It was the giant mess on the floor.

"What the hell?" You exclaimed. The man barely looked up, giving a half hearted wave.

"Oh hey."

"Don't' oh hey' me! Who the hell are you and what the hell is that?" you gestured to the bunch of wires , metal, and plastic  before you .

"Oh, I'm Rayqua- I mean, Ray. This..I think it was that weird metal box I found in the kitchen.I think it might be a listening device or some shit."

You pauses, thinking of what ever metal box could be in your kitchen before you froze in realization.

This dumbass dismantled your microwave.


"I'm calling the police."you muttered before walking away to your bedroom.

"No wait don't!"

Kyurem - Rem Frost

"Soo..what's your-"

"No." The very, VERY intimidating man with dull yellow eyes growled before walking off - probably to his bedroom judging by the slam you heard a few moments after.


You tried.

Marshadow - Marshall Shadows

The first thing you thought was..he's tiny.

The boy sitting on your couch, was unnaturally small in his oversized gray sweater.

The second thing  was that he was playing a game on your PlayStation.

And dang, he was pretty good.


He jumped and looked back at you. You notice his eyes are a very strange reddish color.

"O-oh your back."

"Damn right I'm back. Question: did you do that?"


"That! I've tried beating this part! I've died like fifteen times! How are you doing this?!"

" Oh..well I just.."

You end up sitting with the boy

You only realize  after three hours that he was your roommate.

Well, he can't be that bad if he can play Dark Soul.

Yveltal Vel  Orisis

You were immediately  imtimidated by this stranger with long red hair with black streaks and wearing a red trench coat.

"Took you long enough." He growled, blue eyes narrow down at you.

Whoa, wait...

Is this dude come uninvited into YOUR house...

...Just to insult you?...

Oh looks like you were definitely going to kick some poke ass.

"Uh, excuse me but this is my house. Who the hell exactly are you?"You said, hands on your hips and eyes narrowed . The man scoff, looking as if you justed asked if the sky was blue, grass was green, and fire burns.

" Bitch, I'm your goddamn roommate! " He spat.At that you raised an eyebrow.

Roommate? Since when did you get a room-

Ohh yeah...

"..Your..Vel Orisis?" You asked skeptically. There is no way you'd ever agree to having an asshole as a bunkmate.

" Ugh,who else would I be? The goddamn pope?"

Okay, so apparently you did. Way to go, Reader...

"Hey  there's no need to-"

"My first impression of you is that your a dumbass and don't talk to me." Your roommate (Ugh) growled before sitting up and walking away.

"Goodbye,fuckhead." He cursed at you one more time, leaving you fuming.

..First day, and you already want to punt him into a wall...

Your not sure if this is going to end well.

Victini - Nick "Vic" Victors

The boy was sitting on the floor, Monopoly opened up .

You don't even own Monopoly, so where in the name of Arceus did he even get that?

"Oh hey. "


" I'm your roommate, Nick. Though, I prefer being called Vic."

Oh, well that explains it.

"Wanna play? I bet you a fifty I can bankrupt you in three rounds." He had a mischievous glint in his eyes.

..No." you said and went to your room away from your.. strange new roommate.

You later find out he ate the rest your pizza...

It wasn't the most beautiful of beginning.

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