Laughing-Jack X Reader Rogue Part 5

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“Jack! Pancakes are ready!” I called from the kitchen while skilfully flip a pancake “WOOOO PANCAKES!!!” He yelled and when I turned around Jack was holding a knife and fork with a handkerchief tucked in his T-shirt and his tongue hanging with slavers dripping out from it I couldn’t help but laugh. He really did look like a kid. I put the pancake on his plate “Extra syrup like you always do.” I said while I pooled the pancake with syrup and Jack licked his lips “Such beauty can only be possible with a pancake swimming in syrup!” Jack stated then gobbled up the whole thing liking the plate clean “Ready for round 2?” I challenged “Bring it to me baby!” He screamed “Alrighty!” I give him 3 pancakes this time and again caked it up to the max with syrup, Jack cracked his fingers “Let’s do this!” He ate the whole thing in exactly 3.4 seconds “Come on, Ace! This isn’t even a challenge for me!” He taunted “We’ll see about that!” I replied and I put the rest of the mix in and made a big, giant, fluffy pancake “This is as tall as 22 pancakes my dear friend, let’s see how you handle this!” I gave him it “And let’s add honey with syrup to this, Round 3 Ding Ding Ding!” Jack seemed nervous but the determination in his face never left and started eating, he slowed down swallowing it and in a few more minutes he finished, he threw his fork down at the ground and put his hands in the air with a syrup and honey face! “He does it! My dear people we have a champion!” I shouted and Jack kept on celebrating and ran around the room with his hands still in the air “YEAH!!” He cheered, it’s these kind of times I really enjoy, maybe Jack isn’t such a big problem as I thought.

I woke up to the sound of my bedroom door opening “(y/n)?” I groaned “What is it Jack?” I can’t a bloody thing, it’s really dark in here “I had a bad dream, can I sleep with you?” I can just hear the puppy dog eyes in the dark “Jack your not a 5 year old, go back to bed.” I plopped down to bed again “But I let you sleep with me when you had bad dreams, so you technically you owe me.” I sat up again “Jack, It’s gonna be more awkward when I’m at this age now.” I stated “Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?” I really can’t be bothered, because I know Jack is not going to give up “Ugh fine.” I sighed “Yay~!” The bed bounced when Jack jumped on it and sent me up in the air “Goddamn!” I shouted “Goodnight (y/n)~” He is going to die tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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