Chapter Nine

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Yes I'm back this soon :D Hope you enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment :)

"Did the king buy it?"These were the first words that flew out my mouth as soon as I saw the old man coming out of the palace towards me.He had told me everything that the king asked.James had seriously no idea what he was up against.I wasn't like those other men that he had crushed and walked upon.Oh no no! I was a type of man that could stand in front of him and he wouldn't even be able to recognize that I'm behind all of this.Taking over the kingdom and wanting to see James beg for his life was not the only thing I wanted.I wanted one more thing.Stacey.I wanted her to mine and only mine.Once my plan succeeds,she would have no other option except to give herself fully to me.Thinking about all this just bought adrenaline rushing in me at full speed.

"I'm not sure but he looked pretty much convinced"

"I hope the picture was of Aaron?"

He nodded and I smirked.Everything was going exactly as I had planned.I was going along with this plan very carefully.I wasn't leaving any sort of evidence behind that would lead to me...or anyone.

"I really appreciate your doing for me"I threw the bag full of gold coins at his face.He smirked and weighed the bag in his hand.

"I wonder what would the King do if he found out about this"

I raised my eyebrows.I knew he would do this.He got the wrong person to blackmail.People like him are selfish and greedy.He wanted more.I'll give him more.

"The King will find out about this if you would be alive to tell him"

I watched the colour drain from his face as I took out my knife and twirled it in my hand.Sweat was now visible on his face but he tried his best to look brave and confident.Naive I tell you.I twirled the knife round and round observing him through my lashes.I gave him a toothy grin as he started to back away still clutching the bag of gold.Idiot I tell you.In the end the only thing that can save you is you...not money.

"You can not do this! I helped you"

"Yes but you see,if the King finds out that everything you said was a mere lie and he happens to capture you.There is no doubt that you would open that pathetic little mouth of yours and tell him everything.I don't want any sort of interruptions in my plans especially not because of some greedy,selfish old man"

"I-I have a family to take care of! My-my wife will not be able to bear my death"

"Oh but why do you care?! You are already having an affair aren't you? What was her name? Oh yes! Melissa.Hm such a pretty name for a pretty woman"

That shut him for good.I closed my eyes and he started to run.I laughed and started to chase him.Nothing brings me more happiness then finishing off pathetic little scumbags like him.I lunged towards him and both of us fell down.He started to fight and I laughed even louder.

"You idiot! Don't you know that you should not try to fight me?! I'm 400 times more stronger than you,you cannot defeat me"

"Please stop! I swear I won't tell anyone anything! Let me go,I beg of you"

I stopped laughing and observed him."Close your eyes"

He just continued to stare at me.I pinched the bridge of my nose and repeated my words.He started to shiver and eventually closed his eyes."I will take care of everything after you...I promise"With that I stabbed him right in his heart and soon he fell limp.I got off of him and started to make my way towards the stream,I washed my hands and sat there for a moment.

My work was not finished yet.I had to attain what I had wanted for a long time.I got up and started to make my towards the old man's house.I placed the bag full of gold on his front step.I knocked and started to walk away.I looked behind and saw the old woman looking at the bag in confusion.I hid behind a tree as I observed her,she opened the bag and gasped.She looked left and right and confusion fell upon her face as she saw no one in sight.She made her way back inside and I started to make my way.

I'm not that bad as I seem.


"Its was really nice of you though"I glanced at Aaron who still had my hand in his.


"You know bringing me out to buy me stuff and all"

"It was nothing,I just thought you might need some things and this way I could spend more time with you.You know get to know you more"

He smiled and me and I shyly smiled back.He told me about his parents that lived in the same kingdom but not with him due to some reasons.He told me about his childhood,how he grew up and I told him the same except I left out the part about belonging to the royal family.

"Something that I hate is being lied too.You trust someone and all they are doing is lying then what's the point of keeping any sort of relation with them? When they don't have honesty between them then its just not worth it!"

My heart dropped at his words.I was doing what he hated the most.He was right,what was the point of having a relation when there isn't any honesty between me and him?

"Aaron what if the person had to lie due to some problem,would you still be against it?"

"Well that's a complete different thing,it depends upon the situation then"

"Aaron what if I lied to you?"

He stopped walking and turned to look at me."You're asking that because you're already lying.You haven't shown me the real you and I don't mind though.I know you'll let me in when you're ready.I'm not going any where Stacey trust me.I'll wait"

He smiled warmly at me while tugging at my hand.I smiled a short smile and both of us continued to make our towards our house.


"I need you to find her and I want every single detail about the situation.I want to know if my sister is ok or not"

"And I'll do that.Have I ever let you down Leo?"

I turned around to stare at the moon.Diana continued to trail her hand down my back.She hugged me from behind and I froze before relaxing.Diana was a very loyal servant of mine.I knew that choosing a man for finding Stacey wasn't suitable.Diana being a girl could get any where she wanted and because of her sharp skills and mind,she would be perfect for the job.I knew she would never betray me because she loved me but the thing was I didn't love her back.Not after what happened.

I had already told her that but she told me that she would wait even if she would have to wait for the rest of her life.

"We'll find her Leo,wherever she is she's fine Leo,trust me"

"I hope we do Diana.I feel really guilty"

"You shouldn't.Non of this was your fault.You know that Stacey left because of the proposal your Father presented not because of the fight you had"

"I left her when she needed me the most! I know how she must have felt.I've been there Diana.I know how it feels to be trapped,wanting to be comforted by your loved ones but insted getting thrown away from there comfort,from there love"

She lightly kissed my neck.I turned around and took her into my embrace."I feel so scared for her,if anything happens to her.I swear I won't be able to forgive myself"

"I'm gonna give my best Leo.Trust me with this one"

I kissed her forehead and tightened my hold on her.Maybe I didn't love her like she loves me but I'll always have a soft spot for her in my heart.She was my best friend.She supported me in times when no one was there for me.She cared for me like no other and I stood with me like no other.She was a blessing for me.

"Stacey where are you?"


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