I got tagged

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So my friend strawhat_pirate got tagged and decided to tag me as well. So the tag is I have to name 15 random facts so here it goes.

1. I'm pansexual. Might as well get that out of the way.

2. I've been to 8 different schools. 3 were in one year.

3. I have a cat, who I love and started my cat obsession.

4. I'm akward af. (If that wasn't already obvious)

5. I love anime. (Obviously)

6. My favorite one as of right now is naruto.

7. My naruto husbands are as follows kiba, gaara, shikamaru, and shino. (Not popular I know but I love them)

8. My naruto wives are hinata and temari. (Sorry there aren't more there weren't many to begin with tbh)

9. I am like choji when it comes to food. (No really that bad)

10. I'm freakishly tall. (5'6 and growing)

11. I have short wavy auburn hair and blue eyes.

12. I love chocolate.

13. I'm in advanced classes.

14. I have depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and adhd.

15. I've known my best friend for over  1 and a half years now. (It's actually nearly 2)

So yeah that me. I guess I tag people now. I'm just gonna tag people I follow so hopefully they don't think I'm weird.


So yeah that's it I guess. See you if I ever get tagged again.

I got tagged/updatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora