Chapter 3

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Petra Ral could see nothing but darkness. She tried taking a step forward but she couldn't feel her feet or body.

-But she could hear. She could hear the screams of her teammates.

Petra, help us!

Save us, Petra!


She wanted to curl up into a ball and cover her ears as tight as she could. She wanted to scream as loud as she could. She wanted to cry and let the tears out. But she could do nothing but listen to the pleas of her fallen comrades. Suddenly, the darkness shifted into an image of the forest, where she found Gunther hanging from a tree like a loose puppet, his face stained with crimson. Eld and Oluo were both on the ground, their blood streaking the grass and pooling up at the tips, forming droplets. Petra wanted to run as far away as she could, to run away as fast as her legs could carry her. But her body remained a stationary pillar, unable to move. Suddenly, she heard the large footstep of a titan thudding her way, and could only watch in utter horror as the Female Titan ran towards her, preparing to kick, and Petra's mouth finally opened as she let out a scream.

She woke up with Levi's arms around her, pleading with her to calm down. Her face was wet with tears. He shushed her until she stopped screaming.

"Petra, what happened?" he asked.

The girl opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. She then swallowed and began to talk. "I-I had another nightmare," she sobbed between sniffles. She wrapped her hands around her elbows. "It's cold."

Levi arranged the covers for her before crawling under himself. Petra didn't protest.

"Thank you, Heichou."

"You needn't address me so formally when it's just the two of us. Levi is fine."

Petra managed to form a weak smile, but it soon slipped away.

"What is it?"

The caramel-haired girl drifted closer to her captain.

"I'm afraid to fall asleep. The nightmares will just come back."

Levi wrapped an arm around her. "I'll be right here."

"Good night, then," Petra yawned quietly. "Levi.."

The next morning Levi woke up with Petra snuggled up against him, his arm still around her. Her face looked peaceful and even happy. He was careful not to wake her up, but at least she looked comfy in the bed. The minute he got up, though, Petra began muttering again and squirming. Levi sighed and tucked the covers back over both of them after getting back in. It was rare that Levi slept in, for he felt that sleep was simply a waste of time, but you had to do it for your body to replenish itself. Besides, the sheets looked particularly welcoming today...

He laid down on his back and stared up at the ceiling and then closed his eyes, recalling the events of yesterday...

"Petra," the therapist said, her red lips stretching, making her white teeth appear even pearlier. "Can you tell me what's been on your mind recently?"

Her voice sounded casual, like a teacher talking to a student.

Petra sat in a chair in front of her, Levi and Hanji leaning against the wall. Her hands were clasped together tightly, her knuckles pale.

"I can't think s-straight," Petra said. "Whenever I try to focus, I-"

Her fingers flew to her temples, and her palms pressed over her ears.

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