Bad seed chapter 13- tell no one

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I didn’t get any sleep last night I tossed and turned.  I thought about how I’m going to break-up with Baylee, I need to give her a good reason and I finally have the best one.  She’s going to hate me for this but once she finds out the real reason for our break-up, she will thank me.  I went downstairs for some cereal and my mom was already up, she’s such an early rises I swear.

“Good morning mom” I said as I kissed her cheek

“Morning Bry, I’m guessing you’re ready for school?” she asked

“Yeah, I just came to get some cereal; Dustin is giving me ride to school so they should be here any minute”

“I’m so glad that you boys are getting so close, but I wanted to talk to you about last night. I could tell something was wrong but I didn’t want to pry, but I need to know what’s wrong with you.”

I'm debating if I should tell her that I know, all four of us know so there is no reason to lie about it.  I know Baylee is going to hate me but when she finds out that, I’m her brother she will thank me in the end.

“Mom, you would be freaking out too if you found out you were dating you’re sister” I said

“What, Bry you don’t have a sister, you only have 3 brothers”

“I heard everything you and dad said yesterday, I’m breaking up with Baylee today, but I’m not telling her why.  The other three know, that’s where I went I went to talk to them, are there any more secrets that you and dad aren’t going to tell us about. Is Mike really my dad? Are Dustin, Kelly and Pat related to me? I would never keep a secret from you mom, I know I’m a huge troublemaker but I tell you the truth when it all boils down.  I have to break Baylee’s heart, that girl is in love with me and she doesn’t have the slightest idea about how wrong that is.  She’s my sister now and I have to start treating her like she is family”

“Bryan I know this is a huge shock to you but this is for the better”

“Yeah I know”

I finish my food so I make my way back upstairs so I can brush my teeth. When I finish in the bathroom, I take one more look in the mirror. I get a text from Dustin and it says he’s outside, I grab my bag I kiss my mom and I’m out the door. I can’t wait to tell them the plan, I know for a fact that Patrick is going to hate it but it’s the only way to have Baylee forget about me in that way.

“Good morning guys,” I said as I took my seat in the car

“Hey Bry, so what’s the game plan for Baylee?” Dustin asked

“Let’s just say she is going to hate me for a long time, but she’ll have to get over it because we are now brother and sister.  I swear this is so fucked up, did you guys tell dad that you knew?” I asked

“Yeah, he asked us why we met you in the park and we told him everything.  He said he feels really bad but it has to be done, he also said that he’s going to try and meet with Baylee’s mom” Kelly explained

“Oh ok, I told mom everything to so she knows, but I swear Marcos and his little punks better not try anything today because I’m not in the mood.  It was a big mistake getting involved with them; they are the real reason why Carnell is in Juvie. I really wish he was here, he would be getting a kick out of this”

The rest of the ride to school was silent, we were all in our own little world, we were lost in our thoughts.  When we arrived at school the first person we see when we walk in is Baylee, if she only knew half of the stuff we knew she would be mined fucked.

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