Constellations not natural ! Chiron created them for Argonauts

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The first thing  that we have learned until now is, that the constellations are not natural. The complexive shapes combine a lot of stars wich do not at all look like as if they want to be together in one shape. Sir John Herschel another british astronomer said, that the man who invented the Constellations must have been evil because they were only supposed to create the greatest chaos !

But the question is,  are they really chaotic or did we just forget the real meaning of the shapes??

My name is Helge and during the last fourty years i have been investigating. Every day I learned new things untill know. But the main principle i found out when i became 15 Years old.

My parents gave my a special birthdaypresent: A  refractor-telescope together with Maps of the celestial northern and southern hemisphere. On these I found a name wich i already knew from archaeological books. It was the mystical name of the ancient river Eridamos.

From my books about the stoneage and the bronzeage i knew, that the is a discussion about the question if the Eridanus is only a telling or a real river. Some of the investigators guessed that it was a real River because of the information given by greece historians and geografers. They took a deep view into the ancient written sources like Herodot, Clemens, Pindar, Hesiod aso..

Within these text the ancient scientists tell us, that Eridanus

flows into the Northsea,

that the river sometime flows upwards and sometimes downwards,

that Amber is coming directly out of it

that the river lies within the land of the hyperboreans

that the river flows from east to west.

That  and some more information were given us by people who used to live tousands of years before. The information is very precise. But something sounded so unreal, that scientists nowadays refused to believe that they are real. But is that true? Are they unreal ?

Or are they hidden messages about true things?

the main argument of opponents of the reality- theory is that no river can flow upwards.

So the question was: Are there rivers who can flow upwards?

Every River, with a great Delta wich flows into the northsea does every 12 hours when the tide is goin high. Than it seems, that the water ist going back into the land!

So this is a real telling and not only phantasy.

Especially in connection with the other information that Eridanos flows into the northsea this really makes sende.

Now after reading the modern and the ancient tellings an reports about this i had enough reason to try an experimant:

How would it be to compare the two river courses by superimposing two drawings?

So I compared all the proposed rivers with the shape of the constellations.

What you can see here is completely suprising

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What you can see here is completely suprising. Its the river Eider and eridanus

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2018 ⏰

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