Untitled Part 2

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"I'm with you."

You, who saw me like no one else could ever see me,

You, who protected the candle if it flickered,

You, who read me stories that made me fly,

And now your memory flees with my life in tow.

You, my clueless star in the night,

You, who still glow when you hear my voice,

I'm with you,

I'm right here with you.

You, who picked up the leaves that my autumn left behind,

You, who played my sorrows with a little humor,

You, who cleared my doubts with the wind in my favor,

And now the winter cold seeps into your voice.

When you feel that your hands no longer remember you,

And that your eyes have erased the way,

You, my clueless star in the night,

I'm with you,

I'm right beside you.

To give you my words,

If your lips have gone to sleep.

To return your heart beats,

And everything you ever did for me.

When you believe life has forgotten you,

I won't stop whispering in your ear,

That I'm with you, right here with you.

When Nostalgia comes to take you from me,

I will scream so oblivion will hear,

That you haven't left, that I'm still here,

Always beside you.

Disclaimer: All rights to the song's lyrics belong to La Oreja de Van ghogh. I claim no part in the writing of the lyrics, only the transformation of said lyrics into a poem that I have shared here for your joy.

N/A: This piece is the English translation of the song Estoy Contigo, by La oreja de Van gogh. I have taken the lyrics and turned them into a free verse poem that speaks of Alzheimer's, an illness that directly, or indirectly has touched many of our lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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