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A/N: So this chapter might be sad? I don't know? I'll try to make it sad? So enjoy I guess?

"Are those...bruises?"

Lance rushed to Keith side, examining his injurys. Before Lance could ask what caused it, he heard sniffles and saw tear drops fall onto the floor. Then Lance realized Keith was crying.

"Keith? What's wrong?" Lance asked softly, placing a hand on Keith's shoulder. Keith flinched, taking a step back. Lance ignored the stab of pain that went through his chest.

"It's nothing," Keith said quickly, A little too quickly. "I-I just fell o-off the stairs that's a-all," he stuttered.

Lance glared at him.


More tears fell down Keith's face. Lance panicked.

"I'm sorry-"

Keith slid against the locker, puting his head between his knees. Lance slowly lowered himself next to him. Keith sobbed. Lance didn't want to touch him, he didn't want Keith to feel uncomfortable even though every cell in Lance's body screamed to hug the pale boy, shaking like a leaf next to him. But he held himself back. For Keith.

So Lance sat next to Keith as he sobbed. Lance wanted Keith to know that he was there for him.

Finally Keith's tears dried, leaving streakes on his cheeks, and the occasional sniffle.

Keith put his head on Lance's shoulder and Lance froze, blushing. Keith rubbed his head against his shoulder and Lance relaxed. He felt his heart blossom with warmth. Keith reminds Lance of a cat sometimes.

Scratch that. All the time.

Lance gently put his hand on Keith's  head, and ran his fingers through Keith's hair. Lance's face felt hot. Keith sighed happily so Lance kept going.

"Are you okay now?" Lance whispered softly, still continuing to play with Keith's hair. He did this with his siblings all the time when they cried. Even his older sister.

Keith shook his head. "No." Lance frowned, turning his whole body so he can see Keith. Keith's bangs fell against his face and Lance tucked the strands behind his ears.

"Wanna talk about it?

Keith shook his head again. "N-n-not y-yet."

Lance smiled. "Okay, that's cool. It's all good. Just tell when your ready mmmkay?"

"Okay." Keith whispered. Then they sat in silence. Lance didn't care about the class going on right now. All he cared about was Keith. Lance looked at Keith and felt himself tear up at the sight. Keith looked so vulnerable. So broken. And it hurt Lance to see him like this. It hurt so damn much.

Lance looked at the clock on the wall and gasped. The period is almost over. He'll make up an excuse to tell Coran later. Right now Keith was way more important.



Lance grabbed Keith black shirt on the bench. "C'mon, you need to get dressed. The periods almost over."

Keith raised his arms and Lance helped him put on his shirt, trying to avoid making his injurys worse.

"Okay, let's go."

"What about your clothes?" Keith asked. Lance looked down and saw he was still wearing his P.E clothes. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll come back to change later. Let's go."

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