Chapter 2

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"So as you can see, anything to the power of zero always equals one." Mr Halliotus repeated for the millionth time. Seriously though, didn't we learn this like 2 years ago. I guess Moxie was right about not having to do much work. "I'd like you to work on chapter 7 in your online textbooks. I'll be here if you need me." He sat down and opened his laptop. As soon as he wasn't focused, the entire class opened their laptops and started playing games, emailing other classes or just outright talking. The room was engulfed in noise in a matter of seconds.

"I see what you mean about the no work." I smirked at Moxie, who was sitting next to me.

"Oh so you didn't believe me." She giggled.

"That is not what I meant, and you know it."

"Yea, sure sure." She giggled again. "So I couldn't help but notice you going all googly-eyed on Nikolas earlier. What was that all about?"

"Umm..." I scratched the back of my neck nervously then turned back to face my laptop. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh no, honey, no way you're getting out of this one." She reached over and closed my laptop, forcing me to look up. "As your new, self-designated, best friend, I demand you to tell me what is up with you and those damn googly-eyes." I took one look at her face and burst into a fit of laughter. "What?"

"Self-designated best friend?" She nodded. "That is the best thing I have heard in a while." She crinkled up her nose.

"Well I don't see anyone else here talking to you." She huffed.

"No no no. That's not what I meant. I wasn't laughing like it was ridiculous, I was laughing at the way you worded it." I reached up and undid her tightly crossed arms.

"Promise?" She asked in the most innocent voice I've heard.

"Promise." I smiled.

"Yay!" She squealed and engulfed me the tightest hug I've ever had. God this girl had mood swings.

Second and third period went by in seconds and so it was time for lunch. Moxie and I were making our way to the outside agora to meet the others when she saw some douchebag from the group of wannabe's eyeing my chest.

"Hey beansprout!" She shouted at him. "What do you think you're looking at!" The guy looked away as the rest of our friends came up.

"Wow she has sass." I laughed.

"You have no idea." Alec smirked, tapping me on the shoulder before walking past me.

"Hey, come on." Esme squealed in my ear as she ran past me, grabbing my wrist and pulling me along. "We get lunch from the Grub Truck." I followed her to a food truck parked at the side of the agora. "This is Blade." She pointed to the man in the truck.

"Yea. Blade used to go here and now he runs the Grub Truck." Nikolas piped up for the first time. His voice sounded angelic. "He gives us free food coz we're old friends." He whispered.

"Blade, this is Dex and Thea Rose. They're the new kids." Alec told him.

"Nice to meet you." Blade smiled. "I look forward to getting to know you."

"You too." I smiled.

"What can I get you guys?" He asked us as he started handing out containers of food to the others.

"Um..." Dex muttered.

"What do the others get?" I asked.

"Pizza for Alec, ravioli for Esme, tacos for Moxie, salad for Sara, chicken sandwich for Lucy and burger for Nikolas."

"You remember all of those?" I was amazed.

"They're my regulars." He smiled. "So what can I get you two?" He asked me and my brother.

"What've you got?" I smiled.

"Anything you want." He smiled back, extremely flirtatiously.

"She'll have a burger. So will he." Nikolas growled, stepping in front of me and glaring at Blade. He nodded and passed two more burger containers to Nikolas who then passed one to me and one to Dex before grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards an empty circular table where he sat me down next to him. Alec sat on his other side and I had Moxie on mine.

"Dude." I heard Alec whisper to Nikolas. "What on earth was that about?"

"I honestly have no idea." Nikolas whispered back. I stood up and faced him.

"I need to talk to you." I said firmly before walking away to the gardeny spot on the side agora. He stood up and followed me.

"What?" He asked. "If this is about what just happened, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me."

"No. This is about what happened this morning." I told him. He dropped his head. "You saw what I saw didn't you?"

"I... I have no idea what you're talking about." He tried to turn and walk back to the table, but I grabbed his shoulder and turned him back around.

"Yes, you do, and I think you know what happened too. Please tell me, I'm really confused."

"Umm... ok fine. After school, here." Then he walked away.

"But...I...ah...fine." I sighed and followed him back to the table.

"Um?" Dex started to ask.

"Doesn't matter." I stopped him and opened my container to start eating my burger. Dex looked between me and Nikolas a few times before shaking his head and dropping it, deciding not to get involved in his sister's antics.

"Soooooo..." Moxie started, trying to break the awkwardness that was filling the air.

"Nope." Nikolas said, absolutely. "Not gonna happen."

"Ok fine. Thea, what was that about?" She turned to me. I slowly turned my head and glared. "Yep, nope, new topic anyone?" She laughed nervously and shrunk down in her seat.

"Omg Thea, you, me, Moxie, after school shopping trip. We have to!" Esme started to squeal.

"No, Es, we're busy after school, remember?" He said suspiciously.

"Oh, right." She smiled nervously. "Maybe another day?"

"That's fine." I smiled back. "Moxie, still wanna go?"

"We should do it with Esme, can't leave her out." She turned to Esme. "Right?" Esme nodded quickly, the bell went shortly after.

"Oh that's the bell, gotta go." Alec said with the same nervous smile on his face before he grabbed Lucy's hand and pulled her and Sara away. Esme did the same with Dex, who gave me the strangest look, and Nikolas walked off by himself. I turned to Moxie.

"What was all that about?" I started to ask when she turned away and yelled.

"Last class isn't together, seeya tomorrow." And all of a sudden, I was alone.

"Well then, somethings definitely going on there." I said to no one before I headed off to my last class.

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