Chapter 5

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I woke up and started to get ready. I put my contacts on, bathing suit, a white crop top, shorts, sandals, and then brushing my teeth.


'Girl be there in 5 minutes to pick you up' Caitlyn texted me

'Ok' I replied back.

I get my bag ready and saw Emellie's car outside and then I get in. We go to Dex's house and knock on his door awkwardly. Anthony opened the door saying

"Hey Caitlyn. Hey Vanessa."

Anthony leans in and gives Caitlyn a hug.

"Everyone's in the pool except Brian because he's waiting for you" Anthony says.

"Sure he is" I say

"We all know he likes you" Caitlyn says

"And that is true" Anthony says.

I stop and think to myself. Holy shit Brian likes me. I go outside and everyone is in the pool except Brian. So Anthony wasn't lying.

Caitlyn's P.OV.

I go outside and see John. I kinda used to like him but he's in love with this other girl that doesn't even love him back. But Anthony is different and way cuter. I start taking my shorts and my top off and caught Anthony looking at me while I was doing it. I get in the inside the pool and swim to Vanessa and Diana.

"Did you see Anthony checking you" Diana whispered

"Yes" I replied

"He want you" Vanessa said

"Oh he does" I say doing a double chin face.

"Wait but do you see Anthony, Brian, and Ryan looking at us" I say

"Yes" Vanessa said.

"Should we go talk to them" Diana said

"Yeah let's go" I say.

I look around and see Leah and Joe flirting, John is now with Anthony, Ryan, Brian, and Heather is probably flirting with Dex.

"Hey Caitlyn can I talk to you real quick" Anthony said

"Yeah" I reply

We both get out of the pool and I couldn't stop staring at his abs like woah they're amazing.

"I been wanting to ask you something for a while" He said

"What is it"

"Well um would you like to be girlfriend"

"Yes yes yes"

"Hahaha well now I can finally do this"

He picks me up and kisses me.

"GET SOME" Leah yells out.

I ignore everyone else screaming and just keeping kissing Anthony. He literally just made my whole day so much better.

Vanessa's P.O.V.

Everyone else gets out of the pool. Dex has a lot of scary movies so this will be good for the girls so they can cuddle with there guys. Everyone else was sitting down with who they liked.

"Vanessa sit down" Caitlyn said while pulling me over to sit next to Brian.

We put on Paranormal Activity The Marked Ones on and everyone was freaking scared. I'm usually not afraid of scary movies but this one.

"Are you afraid" Brian asked me.

"Yes" I say.

"Me too" he replies and pulls me in his arms. Heather looked at me and mouthed yasssss. The movie was finally over and I just see dex kissing Heather. They were in the corner making out but I don't think nobody else saw them except me.

"You see them too" Brian said

"Yes it's cute but nasty at the same time"

"I feel you and oh um what's your number"

I grab his phone and put my number and he did the same with my phone.

"Well I got to go bye Brian" I say

"Bye Vanessa"

Oh shit I have his digits.

Brian's P.O.V.

Shit I could've hugged her but I didn't. I go over to Anthony and sit by him.

"You ok Brian" Anthony asked

"No I mean I could do so much more to Vanessa"

"Take her on a date I saw you give her your number. Do you have hers"?


"Well text her tomorrow morning you know she likes you back"

"Sure she does"

"She does now chase after her and stop being a pussy"

"Ok I'll try"

"Hahahaha good"

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