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    Alexander lied in bed, staring at the ceiling just thinking about life. Well, more like thinking about Zoe. It seemed like she was just always on his mind. He could drown in her chocolate brown eyes, and stare at her gorgeous smile all day. Too bad he wasn't the reason of her smile. Zoe was dating Aaron, the biggest fuckboy in school. He was also the captain of the basketball team. Cliche right?

    Alexander finally decided to stop thinking about Zoe, knowing that thinking about her won't make her notice him. He got out of bed and threw on a plain white t-shirt and some worn out jeans. Walking into his bathroom, he picked up his toothbrush and toothpaste, and started to brush his teeth. After cleaning himself up in the bathroom, he picked his bookbag up from the floor and headed into the kitchen.

    "Goodmorning mom, what's for breakfast?" Alexander asked while putting on his Jordans. To be honest, he never really cared about what type of shoes he wore. Until he met Zoe. He had went out of his way to save up his allowance money for three months just to buy Jordans so he would be noticed by her. Of course, that didn't work. His mom set a plate and a lunch box in front of him, snapping him from his train of thought.

    "See you later mom. Love you!" Alexander said as he shut the car door, walking up to the open doors of John Quincy Adams High School. He stepped inside and headed over to the lobby. Alexander looked around for a certain two people before spotting them and quickly walking over to them.
    "Hey lovebirds, what's up?" Alexander greeted as he plopped down in a seat next to his friends, Nate and Dominic. They were the 'it' gay couple- everyone loved them.
    "Hey Sasha, what's going on?" Dominic greeted back while Nate just gave a small wave. They quickly went back to looking at their phones and giggling every few seconds. Sasha was the nickname all of Alex's friends gave him.
   Alexander sat there awkwardly before asking, "What's so funny?"
    "Nothing, mate." said Dominic nonchalantly. He showed something on his phone to Nate and Nate started giggling. Sasha sighed and laid back in his chair until homeroom bell rung. Right before leaving, he could see Zoe walking with Aaron. He stared at her, at how perfect she was. Zoe took notice of this and happily waved at him. Sasha quickly snapped out of his daze and gave a tiny wave back with a half smile and reddened cheeks. Her smile grew and soon she looked like she was giggling. Sasha's cheeks grew redder in return and mimicked her smile.
   The whole day, Sasha couldn't stop thinking about Zoe. The way her hair flowed, the way she was always there for her friends, even how she wrote was perfect. Sasha felt like nothing to her, but he was okay with that. As long as she could be happy. She honestly didn't deserve a guy like Aaron, but she wanted to. He couln't control what she did, and he was okay with that. He just wanted her to be happy. That was all that he wanted.

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