▪️Judges Form▪️

571 31 96

Want to be a judge?

You can judge more than one genre, if you are up to it. But remember, it can't be a genre you have entered your book in.

Judges are always needed. No matter how many books you want to judge. Sign up. This awards will be running 24/7 and will need judges.

📄Judges Form📄

Have you judged an awards before:
Can you judge mature books:
Can you judge lgbtq books:
Genres you would be interested in judging:
Why do you want to be a judge:
Tag a minimum of 3 people:

What you get?
-A sticker and/or a banner that you were a judge for this awards.
-A follow from both my accounts
-Maybe some follows from the participants
-More experience of being a judge

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