Finding the Lost Village of Orakana(Short Story)

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I run out of the woods, heading straight for my cottage. Behind me was a very angered beast, who was not happy that I had wandered into its den. Finally, I could see my home in the distance. I heard a loud snarl coming from behind me. It was getting close.

I run up to the porch of my cottage, grabbed my sheath, which holds my sword, and turned around to face the beast, ready to attack. I was about to go straight for it when I heard footsteps coming from behind me.

"What're you doing, Lakota?" Asked the person.

I turn around to face the person and find out that is was my mother. She had a rattle expression on her face.

"Um, well I kind of wondered onto the beast's den and it followed me, more like chased me here. I was about to fight it, so it doesn't destroy our home." I tell her

A rumble came to the ground. I look over to where the beast was standing. It was furious. I run towards the monster and held my sword out, and pierced it in the chest. The beast let out a cry and swatted at me. Then I took the chance and went for its neck. That should finish it.

Its body went stiff and then went limp on the ground. I begin to turn around when a sudden blast of light appeared in front of me. I put my hands over my eyes, blocking the light. Then it stopped. I put my hands down to only see an old man standing in front of me.

He looked down at the beast than to me. His frown went into a grin. What was he grinning about?

"Did you defeat this beast, son?" He asked.

"Yes, why?"

I look back at my mother and she had a proud look on her face. She didn't look concerned that an old man was talking to her son, and put more on that, he just came out of nowhere.

"My, have you grown so big since the last time I saw you," said the old man.

What was he talking about? I have never seen him in my life. Then all of a sudden the old man disappeared and a middle-aged, good-looking man appeared. I swear that I've seen this man before.

"You might recognize me in this form," said the man.

"I still don't recognize you. Have we met before?" I ask.

"He's your father, Lakota." I hear my mother say.

My father? I thought he was dead. I look over to the guy that is my 'father'.

"It's been awhile. I have brought you a gift. One that came from the Gods." He handed a sheath to me, that looked like it was made out of silver and gold.

"A gift from the Gods? Why would they want to give me this? I'm just an ordinary person."

"You're my son. I am the ruler of all gods. My name is Ashur."

I am the son of the ruler of gods. I'm the son of the highest God.

"The reason why I am here is that I need you to go on a quest." He tells me

"A quest about what?" I ask

"You need to find the lost of Orakana. It has been lost, but when an evil spirit disappeared during a fight, we couldn't find it. I was told that a hero would come and find Orakana. We believe that you're the person."

"When do I leave?" I wanted to find it this place an be called a hero.

"You start now. Go, my son, find Orakana and become victorious." And with that, he disappeared. I turn to look at my mom. She was holding a pair of clothes and a sack. When she was in front of me, she handed everything to me.

Finding the Lost  Village of Orakana(Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now