The Monroe Manor Massacre

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6th January, 2018

The following event is based on a true story, to this day no one knows what happened

A group of friends in Barkway, England gathered at the house of Isaac Monroe to celebrate his birthday, it was to be a night to remember, and remember people did.

Pulling up to the house everyone could see his family went all out. 'Wow, it's so beautiful.' Uttered a girl, her curly blonde hair blowing in the wind and the lights capturing the iridescence of her eyeshadow which was nothing to her eyes as green as a freshly mown garden. Everyone around her agreed, and then they began walking into the house. Yet none of them noticed the dark figure in the window of the highest tower staring down at them.

Once inside the house a booming voice called out to them. 'Welcome, one and all. I hope you're prepared for your last night alive.' As this was being said Isaac Monroe walked down the stairs in a jet-black suit accompanied by a crimson tie, the lights reflecting off of his dirty blonde hair and causing his ocean blue eyes to shimmer made it seem as if you were looking at a movie star.

A few hours into the night one of the guests needed to phone their family and went up a floor to an empty room while the party continued, 20 minutes had passed yet they still weren't back. Everyone started to notice and as they started talking about it, all of the phones pinged with a Snapchat notification, all but one. All, but Isaac. Ring...ring...ring the ringing of a phone echoed throughout the ground floor, they all looked at Isaac, confused yet he couldn't give an answer as all knew the house was busy and no one would answer. Slowly they all go up and walk towards the parlour, click, Isaac picks up the phone and lifts it to his ear. 'Can you guys come up here? I've got something to show you, it's insane.' A voice said from the other end. 'It's just Fielding guys, don't worry but could someone go up and check on him?' Isaac asked among the group, after a while they all decided who would go up to see him: it was Kat.

After a few minutes, the phone rang again, this time it was Kat. Saying the exact same thing, this continued for the next half an hour until it was just Isaac and Victor. 'What's going on? They're all up there. Should we go check on them?' Victor asked. 'Yeah, we should but we should be careful. I feel something's going to happen.' Isaac uttered.

Slowly they made their way up the grand staircase in silence, drip drip drip in the distance some sort of dripping could be heard, both Isaac and Victor looked towards each other both bewildered by what could be making the sound. Once on the first floor they noticed one of the doors was left slightly ajar, prompting them to walk toward the door. CRASH. A loud crashing could be heard from above. 'Wh-wh-what was that?' Victor asked, just as Isaac was about to reply a cat walked down the stairs calming the two of them. The room was completely dark on the inside, no light source to be found. As the two guys walked in, they felt something on the feet it felt like a liquid. Isaac ran towards the door to switch on the light, slowly but surely their eyes adjusted and bore witness to what they were standing in, they were standing in a pool of blood. Their friends nowhere to be seen. SLAM The door they just walked into slammed just behind them. 'IT'S STUCK' Victor yelled, banging on the door meanwhile Isaac walked towards the corner of the room and pushed a bookshelf in revealing a hidden door.

'Isaac, you're a genius, we can get out of here. Away from whoever is causing this.'

Isaac laughed, a small smirk on his face and uttered 'Oh no, my dear Victor. I'm not letting us out, I'm letting in.' Footsteps could be heard coming down the stone steps in the passage, then a woman in a dress as white as snow. The woman reached behind her back and pulled out a knife. Laying it down for Isaac. 'Thank you, Myrtle. You're dismissed' then in a blink of the eyes, she was gone.

'You see, I bought you all here because you've all wronged people during your lives, most of you have caused people to kill themselves. For that, you must all pay and all have. All, but you. So, I must do it myself. Farewell, Victor.' Isaac lunged his friend and drove the knife into his shoulder. Staggering towards a dresser, he grabbed onto a trophy and then all went black.

'What happened?!' 'What went black?'

'Now now, don't forget all this was discovered thanks to some security cameras in the house. Both Victor and Isaac have been deemed dead as neither were ever found. Now, are you ready for a party you'll never forget?'

Uttered the voice of a young man, who had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes and donned a jet-black suit with a crimson tie.

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