We Are the Sui Generis

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(Ignis and Ardor) The Flame Brothers

(Gelu) Ice Goddess

(Fusilis) Liquid Goddess

(Sordes and Luto) Earth Gods

(Cosmos) God of the Stars

(Invidia and Odium) The God and Goddess of Hatred

(Eros) Goddess of Love

(Lucifer and Dulcifer) Twins of Hate and Love ~enemies~

(Abeo) God of Shifters

Chapter 1 the darkness

     Like most, I don't remember my birth. I don't remember the doctors and nurses, I don't remember the smiling faces of my new proud parents. I don't remember the loving embraces my parents gave my small body, nor the hands that held mine as I learned to walk.

What I do remember, though, is darkness. I remember when, at any moment I was alone, my sight would give out. Darkness would engulf me, and I could feel it. I don't know how long it lasted, nor what I did in the time. It was as if I were asleep. Then, when I... awoke? the world would be a blood red color, and all I could hear was my own breath. I would calm, my breathing would slow and the world would be somewhat normal again. I never talked about the strange happenings, and eventually they stopped happening around the time I was 6. I never talked about anything, really. I was a closed book, shy and quiet. Friends were of no interest to me, I was in myself at all times. When I did talk to people, I would get frustrated. I felt heat in my veins and my eyesight would pulse. I gave up, generally, and I would walk away, ignoring the odd, uncomfortable looks I usually received.

One day it all changed. It was storming, the cold biting and I was walking.

I'm Invidia Mundane. I live in Detroit, the ghetto Capitol of the US. It's rainy and cold in the winter, but I still go on walks with nothing to accompany but the switchblade I keep in my pocket. Detroit, amirite? People don't mess with me. My pitch black leather apparel, dark red hair and death stares are  effective at keeping dicks away. Walking calms my nerves that accompany the heat in my veins after socializing with any other living creature. I walk into downtown, and I concentrate on my slushy steps and watch the streetlights reflect off my black combat boots that might as well have been fused to my feet.

It was colder than usual tonight, and darker. The hobos that usually mumbled at me things that shouldn't be repeated were quiet. Just as I rounded the corner to evade the rowdy stairwell hobo out of habit, I realized he was not asleep, nor dead. He was staring right at me. His eyes were a deep red, his wrinkles deepened by an intense frown. No, he wasn't staring at me. He was staring through me.

There was a burst of heat through my veins, pain stifling my infuriated scream. The world melted into dark red, and darkness.

~end of Chapter 1~

Chapter 2 fires

     Every step I took, beneath me the ground hissed and small flames lept up around my feet. They would die out in a swirling inferno as my foot left the ground. I watched in awe. I must have looked like a dork, staring at my feet as I walked like a toddler discovering steps for the first time. But no one was here to see me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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