Divorce Time

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In the home of the newly weds Lucy Pussyparts and Stuart Tusspot Dicktheson... Their son Ihava Vahginah wakes up and is told some bad news.

Lucy Pussyparts: Stuart Tusspot Dicktheson get in here now!
Stuart T. Dicktheson: Yes honey, what is it?
Lucy Pussyparts: Oh don't "honey" me! I want a divorce you tic-tac dick head ass bitch!
Ihava Vahginah: Mommy, what's going on? Why are you yelling at daddy?
Stuart T. Dicktheson: Ihava Vahginah get your ass out of here and go get ready before you get your ass beat by daddy!
Lucy Pussyparts: Don't fucking yell at my —
Ihava Vahginah: Ready for what?
Stuart T. Dicktheson: I fucking said get ready! Get here now. I'm gonna spank your little ass!
Ihava Vahginah: Okay Daddy, I'm sorry! I'll go get dressed!
*Runs away in fear of "daddy"*
Stuart T. Dicktheson: Wait a fucking minute you whore! While I was busy getting your fucking kid ready you were talking about—
Lucy Pussyparts: Divorce? Yes! I want a fucking divorce!
Stuart T. Dicktheson: I'm sorry okay. I didn't mean to cum inside you. My pull out game was off for some reason.
Ihava Vahginah: Okay daddy, I'm ready for school.
Lucy Pussyparts: Wait, you knew about school? Are you mad?
Ihava Vahginah: No, I'm excited. Well, that's my bus off to school I go.
*goes to school
Lucy Pussyparts: You gave me on child I was fine, but then you try to do it again, well fuck you!
Stuart T. Dicktheson: Let me just make it up to you. W-watch.
Lucy Pussyparts: How? Show me what?
Stuart T. Dicktheson: Go in the room be patient. There is directions on the bed.
Lucy Pussyparts: I - well - okay. I'm trusting you.
Stuart T. Dicktheson: Go hurry!
*Goes into the room, thinking about what's about to go on... she's in for a treat.*
Lucy Pussyparts: I'm ready. Get in here!
*Stuart runs in excited for what's in store for is mistress*
Stuart T. Dicktheson: Yes, yes I am. Get in here! I'm excited!
*Wearing nothing but a robe, down to the floor. Walks into the room*
Lucy Pussyparts: Oh, so this is what you wanted to do?
Stuart T. Dicktheson: Yes. Is this okay?
Lucy Pussyparts: of course it's okay daddy!
*has sex for 6 hours on and off until....*
Lucy Pussyparts: I must admit, your dick game is amazing today but I still want a divorce you tic-tac dick head ass cunt bitch!
Stuart T. Dicktheson: You dirty whore. I just gave you bomb head so why??
Lucy Pussyparts: Well, fuck you! I'm gonna find me someone with a big succulent cock who can't make me wetter than a waterfall you tic-tac dick head ass pussy popping whore!
*Gets divorce, Ihava runs away, no more 6hr sex.*
~Part two coming soon~

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