A New Begining

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  That one morning would haunt him forever. The morning that would change his life forever. That morning Courage had woke up in the attic in which he called his room. That very room had many things happen but those memories never bothered him anymore. He gotten used to the years of protecting his family from the horrors of the world which as time past, soon disappeared.

 The computer was still there and still functioning. He yawned and stretched and began to get out of the comforts of his bed. He pulled back the purple covers and climbed out of the bed. He then began to make his bed for he didn't want Muriel to do it on her own. He began to be more independent as the years passed and the old woman began to slow down. Her face showed more and more of age and her body began to become more fragile and weak. Most of the time she sat in the rocking chair in the living room with Courage on her lap. Each night Courage helped her up the stairs to her bed along with her husband Eustace. Eustace did actually look the same besides the white beard that hung down from upon his face. He now walked with a dark brown cane that he sometimes used to whack Courage on the head in the beginning but soon stopped. 

His attitude toward Courage had changed as well. He no longer yelled or scared the poor dog to death anymore. He now allowed Courage on his lap and patted him on the head telling him "Good dog" or "Thank you" when Courage got him the newspaper or a cup of coffee. Eustace had always loved Courage even though he didn't show it. He was one to never show his love for something but deep down did and Courage began to notice that. Eustace now was a kind old man and rarely ever yelled anymore. He comforted Muriel when Courage wasn't present and helped the best he could. Courage himself was now a middle aged dog and even had a small job at a dog shelter. He helped those who needed homes and new families since he knew how most of them felt. 

Those without a family and with no home. It reminded him of the day he lost his parents and he didn't want that to happen to any other poor soul. He got paid enough to support the family even at the hard times that came to be ever since the farmer lost his strength and couldn't do much on the farm. Courage went down the stairs into the living room. Nothing much had changed to the old house. The same furniture remained just slightly aged but held up. He walked from there to the kitchen. He then took out a pan from the cupboard and put it on the stove and lit the stove. He then went to the fridge and got some eggs and brought it over to the stove and cracked them and put the egg yolks into the pan. He was now the families cook and was in fact a good one if fact. He did in fact learn from a master. After a few minutes a family breakfast was done. Three plates full of delicious golden brown pancakes covered in blueberries and cut strawberries and beside them were scrambled eggs.

 Courage then put the plates on a little stand and brought the breakfast upstairs. This was what breakfast was like now, breakfast in bed for the old couple. Lately he had been holding off work at the shelter to take care of the two. Courage was now taking care of his owners like they have done when they first took him in. He got the groceries, cooked the food, did the chores, etc. He then stopped by the old couples door and opened the door. The door opened with a slight squeak and then faded back to silence. As soon as Courage walked into the room, he felt something was wrong. He set the breakfast down on one of the cabinets in the room and walked over to where his owners laid. 

They didn't stir at all and appeared to be sleeping but that was not the case. Poor Courage did not hear the silence from the twos hearts nor their non existent breaths. He walked over to Muriel side and proceeded to shake her gently awake. His shakes resulted with no avail. He tried again and ended with the same result. He whimpered and began to panic. He set his ear onto her chest to hear something but no heartbeat was sounded. Tears began to collect into the poor dogs eyes as he checked her pulse. No beats. "No Muriel!", the poor dog cried out and rushed over to Eustace side of the bed. He began the same process to the farmer but got the same saddening result. 

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