And you let him go.

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Dear Olly,
I never thought i would ever have to do this,
I thought my old life died when my heart was last broken.
You were the one to pick me up when I was down,
The one to mend my broken heart,
The one I loved when I never thought I would love again.
And here I am writing this letter now,
Hoping that one day you will forgive me.
Forgive me for letting you go.
I will always remember waking up next to you,
The morning sun gleaming in through the window,
Beaming on you like a spotlight.
But the one thing I will always remember is our first date.
Walking along the moonlit beach.
What I'm trying to say is I love you, I always will.
But I have to move on.
So don't wait for me, carry on with your life.
Find the woman you love,
Find the woman I couldn't be.
This is goodbye Olly.
- Paris

A single tear shed as I signed the letter and it landed perfectly next to where I had signed my name Paris. Leaving Olly is probably going to be the hardest thing I've ever done. No. It will be the hardest thing I have ever done and will ever do. He was my one true love. He was my soul mate, and no one will ever replace him.

Four years ago I met him, in a small café on the beach. It was a cold winters day, the morning air becoming colder every minute of the day.


"£30" the bus driver spoke his voice low and difficult to understand, quiet, barely louder than a whisper.

I tapped my credit card on the machine, Thankyou it read in white writing on the blue background. I walked to the back of the bus and sat in a two seater me on the chair closest to the window and my bag on the other. My phone kept buzzing over and over again, but I never answered just stared at the screen

 My phone kept buzzing over and over again, but I never answered just stared at the screen

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💙Olly's PoV💙
I woke up without her next to me. The house was silent until the front door closed. I made my way down the staircase and into the kitchen, it's Paris' favourite place in the house. To my surprise she wasn't there but in the place where she usually sits was a small envelope with my name written in fancy hand writing.

Dear Olly,
I never thought I would have to do this,
I thought my old life died when my heart was last broken.
You were the one to pick me up when I was down,
The one to mend my broken heart,
The one I loved when I never thought I would love again.
And here I am writing this letter now,
Hoping that one day you will forgive me,
Forgive me for letting you go.
I will always remember waking up next to you,
The sun gleaming in through the window,
Beaming on you like a spotlight,
But the one thing I will always remember is our first date.
Walking along the moonlit beach.
What I'm trying to say is that I love you and I always will
But I have to move on.
So don't wait for me, carry on with your life.
Find the woman you love.
Find the woman I couldn't be.
This is goodbye Olly,

Next to where she signed her name was a single wet mark where a tear had landed. I knew she didn't want to do this, but something deep down told me she had to. She had always told me about her young days and something terrible happened when she was 12, but she never told me what.

I always wondered where and when I would find my soul mate and I found her in a small beach café drinking a hot chocolate. We found each other so young, only 13. And from that day on I knew my life wouldn't have a bad day in it. She was my world, and I can't let her go.

Hands shaking I picked up my phone and carefully typed in my password making sure I got it right first time. Then contacts. Then paris😍. I stood patiently waiting for her to pick up.

Hey you've reached the line of Paris Jönas I can't take your call at the moment but please leave a message and I'll get back to you when I can...bye

From that moment on I knew I would never see her, ever again

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