The Long-Overdue Extension

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I wake up the next morning in the back of the tour bus with a blanket thrown over me and some pillows around and under me.  I'm barely conscious as I rustle around to find my cell phone, which I realize Riker still has...

Riker...The events of the night come back.  He loves me!  Wow...

"Most girls dream of having that guy that they crushed on when they were just preteens, but virtually none of them get him.  I did," I whisper as I'm rummaging around trying to straighten up the mess my being moved here must have caused.  I have my back turned so I don't see the look of awe and adornment that Riker is giving me and the mockingly lovey look Ratliff is giving the both of us over Riker's shoulder until I turn around headed to the front of the bus and just about jump out of my skin.

"Oh my God!  You scared me!" I scream.

He screams back, almost as surprised as I am, "I just thought you'd want some breakfast!"

Of course all three of us bust out laughing, and Ross, curious and fun-loving as ever bounds into the room, shoving past Riker and Ratliff, wanting to know what's going on.  And then Rocky, ever on Ross's heels, lifts himself up a litle on Ellington's shoulders to see what's happening.

"No one's doing anything stupid, right?" Rydel half-jokes as she brings up the rear of the group.

Mrs. Stormie yells, "I hope not!"

Mr. Mark just laughs.

Riker looks at Ross while scooping me into his arms and saying, "Nothing, Ross.  Just had a little early morning scare because Sleeping Beauty doesn't remember how she got here.  Uh-oh.  Better remind her."

"You were abducted by aliens!" yells Ellington.

"What?!" Rocky and Rydel blurt out at slightly different times, laughing a little.

"Maybe Ell is right!" I say.  "Maybe the aliens did take me, and maybe you fought them off, Ross!  Were you the one that saved me?  Because there's no way I got out of there alive and in one piece by myself!"

Ross throws his fists on his hips, superhero style, and Riker drops me to bat them down.  Ross frowns and he and Riker get into one of their mini-tussles.  Of course, none of the rooms in the tour bus are particularly grand in size, so they start making a mess of the things I had just straightened.  Rydel just walks off, smirking and rolling her eyes because she's so used to this.  Rocky and Ell back up quite a bit so that they don't get hit, but they're still yelling, "Fight!  Get him, boy!  Go Ross!  No, now Riker!  Who's gonna win?!  It's a toss-up!" and giggling like the small children they are.

I somehow manage to dodge the tumbling boys and find my way up front with Rydel and Ms. Stormie.  Apparently Ryland is still asleep through all this.  I guess he's used to it.

Riker notices my absence and yells, "Hey!" as Ross giggles.

He runs to catch up with me as I'm sitting down to watch television over Mrs. Stormie's head with Rydel.  He stands for a minute beside me, doing the same.

"So Mrs. Stormie, how did I end up in the back of the bus?" It hits me. "And why is Mr. Mark driving while I'm on here?!"

"We're just going to get gas and breakfast before we drop you off and head for the next stop," she laughs out.

"Oh.  Okay  I just know the rules, and I didn't want..."

Riker sits beside me.

She interrupts as I trail off, " I know, and I thank you for that.  My boys don't like to listen to me sometimes.  It's nice to know Riker at least has someone I can trust."

I blush a little as she gives me a small smile and Riker gives the television the hugest grin.


After eating breakfast at one of the boys' favorite restaraunts, we headed back to my house.  Riker, always the gentleman, walks me off of the bus and out the door, his arm around my waist all the way.  I grin because I can't help but get butterflies in my stomach when he touches me.  He has his head down, and I can see his blonde bed-head that he hasn't even bothered to brush yet, rustling a little with each step.  I tousle my hand through it, break free, and run for the door, making him chase me.  He does, of course,and when he catches me, he turns me to him and touches his forehead to mine.

"Hey," he says, "I'm going to talk to Mom about letting you come with us on one of the trips."

"But, Riker, your mom--"

"I know what my mom says, and I know that Dad always backs her up, and I know that she's never said yes before, even though Rocky and Ratliff have both tried.  And I know that I love you."

"Riker, baby, I love you, too, but--"

There are so many things going through my head.

"Look, I'm not saying it's going to happen, but I am going to give it a try, talk to her about it.  Plus, she likes you anyway. You heard her, 'someone she could trust'."

Right.  Someone she could trust.  And I trust Riker.


"Okay, great.  Well, I'll let you know what's going on later.  Don't worry.  I've got to go before we're too far behind on schedule.  I'll see you in about a week and a half, okay?"


He kisses my forehead gently and turns, about to walk away, but I grab his arm with my right hand and throw my left one around the back of his head, grabbing his hair.  I pull him to me and give him a kiss, and he wraps his arms around me, sucking me into him, wanting it to last longer, just like I know he does, like I do.  There is no tongue, but still, Riker knows how to put his passion into everything he does, just like his music.  But he pulls away after just a second, looks me in the eye and turns and jogs off.  I watch him board back onto the bus, and I watch the doors close, and I watch them drive away.  I miss him already.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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