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Hello fellow readers! My name is Piffoo or if you know me IRL Aleeza. Starting from this page forward I am going to be writing short stories during free write sessions and posting them here on Wattpad daily! Here are some things about me and my goals for this collection:

First, I want to achieve a somewhat mastery of the writing department. If you read the description, you'll know that I am trying to write and draw a webcomic! The problem is that I don't consider myself more than decent when writing stories, so this is my solution.

Second, I want to put my ideas onto the page quickly before forgetting. What usually happens is that I get a brilliant idea but get too worried about the delivery until I forget the vividness, if that makes sense. Another way to put it is that I have a decent idea but I am too worried about how it is presented on paper. When I finally have the courage to write it down, it loses the "wonder" or "click" to it. I think that free writing will help me get over my perfectionism and go write something nice for once.

Third, I want to have a project to keep me busy and motivated. Nothing else to say about this one!

This collection will hopefully continue until 2019 or even longer. I'm really sorry if I wasted a lot of your time dear reader, let's get started with the first short story!

 I'm really sorry if I wasted a lot of your time dear reader, let's get started with the first short story!

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A Collection of Free Writes/Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now