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*Your POV*

You smile and nodded. Then you called your mom and tells her.
-I really like you guys and I'm happy to finally can say that to you ! You said.
-Finally? Grayson said and looked at you.
-Yeah? Like I've said, I liked you from the first day I saw you at YouTube. You giggled.
He smiled and get blushed on his cheeks.
-It's really fun hanging out with you guys but it's pretty late so I'm going to bed. Ethan said and smiled.
He walks away to his room and took off his shirt. You tried to not stare.
-Hey! Grayson said and laughed.
You get embarrassed and laughed with him.
-We should go to sleep too. He said.
-Okay, where do I sleep? You answered.
-Uhm.. I don't know. We can think about that later come on now. He replied and walked into his room.
-Grayson I do not have anything to sleep in.
-Not me either, he said and smirked again.
You laughed and took of your jeans and sweater. You saw that he was looking at you. You blushed and kissed Grayson on his cheek.

 You blushed and kissed Grayson on his cheek

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-You are really beautiful. Grayson said.
-You are pretty handsome yourself, you answered and giggled.

*To be continued..*

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