❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part23❤️

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Calum: "There's my favorite niece and nephew!" Mali said as she came over to watch the twins while you went with Calum to the premiere party to celebrate the new album. "Are you sure you don't want to go?" you ask, smiling sadly at her and she waved you off. "I'd rather spend time with the babies, now you might wanna go, Calum's out there dancing around like a three year old." You grinned and gave her a quick hug. "Thank you again. They're both asleep, well you know their schedule better then i do, so i'll just leave you to it!" You walked out the door and found Calum and made it to the party just in time. "Calum! (YN)!" your names were shouted as soon as you arrived and you were still a little insecure about your post baby body but Calum put his hand at your hip. "You look gorgeous." Blushing you just nodded and got into the party, quickly finding the other boys. "Where's the twins?" Michael asked. "At home with Mali, she said she didn't want to come and said she'd watch the twins for us." "Then why is she here with the babies?" You and Calum spun around seeing her with the two babies and she skipped over smiling. "Hey there." "You're supposed to be home with them, why are they here?" Calum took Logan and you grabbed Chloe. "Like i'd miss my brother's party for his first ever album being released? No way, besides i thought the kids should see what their dad has accomplished even if they won't remember when they're older." Calum grinned. "You're right, thanks for bringing them here. Maybe that's why you're my sister." Mali smiled wide. "Yeah, maybe that's the reason."

Luke: Today was the day you guys were moving into your new place and you could hardly contain your excitement. "This is so amazing!" you squeal and Luke laughs as he held Vivienne in his arms and you walked into the very spacious new home of yours. "Luke, how did you even manage this?" He laughed and walked in behind you. "I had a little help." It was already furnished and everything. "Where's Vivienne's room?" you ask and Luke lead you up a beautiful staircase and shows you where your guys' room was and then where Vivienne's was which was right down the hall from yours. He opened the door and your jaw dropped. "It's just like the one at your moms." He chuckled, placing Vivienne in her crib and leaned against it, staring at you in awe as your gaze swept around the room. "Luke, this is just incredible, are you sure we can handle this?" He put his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him. "Don't you worry about another thing okay? Everything will be just fine. You, Vivienne and myself are all going to be fine. We're going to be a happy family that lives happily ever after. Just like you hear in all of those fairy tale stories, that's going to be our life." You pressed your head against his chest, his heartbeat calming you just as Vivienne began crying again and you laughed. "Think she gives the house her blessing?" Luke laughed then scrunched up his nose. "She's doing something to initiate the house."

Ashton: You had agreed to marry Ashton a week ago, now you, him and Blaine were at his mom's house for a dinner where you were going to tell them the news. You wanted to wait a little bit so you didn't just raise their hopes just to crush them a little later. "You two seem like you're somewhere else, what's going on?" Anne Marie asked, feeding Blaine for you and you yawn, making her laugh. "Still tired, huh? Yeah babies like to keep you awake for the first few months, he getting any better at sleeping through the entire night?" Ashton shook his head. "No, not really. We're trying to get him on a schedule, but with the upcoming tour that him and (YN) are tagging along with, my schedule's going to be messed up and well there's going to be no schedule, just go with it for now." You nodded and continued to eat. "(YN), what's on your finger?" Lauren asked and you realized that you forgot to hide your hand the entire dinner. When your finger got brought up, Anne Marie gave you her attention. "Yeah, looks like a ring on your left hand, something going on that you're not telling us?" Ashton took your hand in his, his thumb sweetly ran over your engagement ring, proudly smiling at his mom, sister and brother. "I asked (YN) to marry me a week ago, she said yes." Anne Marie smiled. "I've been waiting for this moment since i first saw you together when you were little." Ashton nodded. "Yeah, i've wanted to marry her for the longest time and i really think Blaine should have his parents be happily married." You smiled at him. "I've wanted to marry you for the longest time too." "Who's going to be what for the wedding?" Lauren asked and you shrugged. "Sorry, don't know for sure yet as of now the only thing we have set in stone is Ashton's gonna be the groom and i'm going to be the bride, other then that, i'm clueless."

Michael: "Does she ever stop crying?" Michael asks, throwing his head into the pillow and you groan hitting him with your spare one as you go and check on Gianna for the fourth time in two hours. You came back bouncing her in your arms and Michael turned around so he was lying on his back. "Sorry for sounding like an ass, (YN)." You sigh. "I don't blame you, i'm not mad at you, it's just, you don't think this is stressful on me? Cause it is!" "I know it is." he says sitting up. "You had to take care of her alone when i went on tour, i don't know what could've been more stressful then that, but i'm here now, i'm trying, we're trying. We knew it'd be hard." "Not this hard." you say as you burp her and Michael sighs. "We'll get through this." "How?" He took Gianna from you, burping her instead of you and smiled. "Because we're in this together. We're going to help each other out." You fell onto the bed, softly crying to yourself. "What about your tour, Michael? You leave again in like two weeks." "I know i leave in a couple weeks, i also know i'm not leaving you guys again, you're coming with." "What about the crazy fans? You know the ones that send me hate on a daily basis and tell me i need to give Gianna a dna test to prove that you're her father?" Michael cocked his eye at you. "People think she's not mine? Why would they think that?" "I don't know, they hate me so anything that would make you leave me, they'll bring it up." Michael nodded. "She looks just like me." You smile. "Yeah, she does. Like she's the female version of you." Michael grinned and held her up so their faces were next to each other. "You think she'll be just like me?" You laugh. "I don't see how she won't be." "(YN)?" "Yeah." "This is how we're going to make it, by being happy, we can get through it, we can get through anything." You smile and hold his hand. "We'll get through it then."

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