Chapter 10

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*Nikki's P.O.V*
Jack takes my hand and leads me out the door.
"Wait we all drove together how are we supposed to get anywhere?" I ask while laughing.
"Ehh we can walk to my Grandma's house. It's about a 5 minute walk. I'll borrow her car and then drop you off at my place you can get my car then we can go out to eat." He says.
"Seems simple." I say sarcastically.
He laughs and nods his head.
"It is if you think about it."
We walk down the sidewalk and turn on a street called "Jackson and Harvard" he points at all the landmarks such as a little pond that had a cute bench to sit on.
We pass a park and then Jack stops in the middle of walking.
"What's wrong?"I ask.
"Let's go PLAY!" He screams as he runs onto the park equipment. I laugh and follow him. There two little girls swinging and Jack runs up to them.
"Hey girls! Do you want to play a game with us?" He asks.
"Yeah let's play house!" The little blonde haired girl says. I take the time to look at them. The blonde haired girl had the prettiest bluish/greenish eyes I have ever seen! Her hair was curled into little pig tails with pretty pink bows. The brown haired girl had green eyes and the prettiest smile! They were both wearing leggings and a shirt that says "mommies little princess." I laugh.
"Okay where are we gonna play it at?" I ask.
"On the big castle duh!" The brown haired girl says. I look up to see a big castle type playground. I see two women about 30 watching us. I smile and wave at them. They smile back.
"So what are your guys names?" Jack asks.
"My name is Willow." The one with brown hair says.
"And mine's Lea." The girl with the blonde hair smiles.
"My name is Nikki." I tell them.
"And my name is Jack." Jack says.
"We are gonna be the daughters and you guys are gonna be the mommy and the daddy." Lea says.
"Okay so are we the King and Queen?" I ask.
"Yeah and we are the princesses!" Willow laughs.
"Well princess, why don't we go play." Jack says.
I look at him and smile but then I realize he was looking at me when he said that. I blush and he grabs my hand and I hold Lea while Jack holds Willow.
We play Princesses for a while.
"Daddy! There's a Dragon!" Lea tells Jack.
"Oh no! I'll save you!" Jack grabs an imaginary sword and swings it in the air.
"I got him!" Jack cheers.
"Yay!" We all yell.
I watch Jack while he plays with the girls. He's just so cute. Whoops😂 I mean Their just so cute. An older my couple holding hands walks by us.
"Awwww look at that John." The lady tells the man whom I assume is John.
"Remember when we were that age?" She laughs.
"I do sweetie." He tell her.
"How older are they?" She asks with a smile.
"Huh?" I asked confused.
"Your kids." John says.
By now Jack was at my side with Lea and Willow next to him.
We both look at each other and start laughing.
"They aren't our kids. We just are playing with them. Their moms are over there." Jack says while pointing at them. They laugh and apologize.
"How long have you two been together?" Me and Jack ask them.
"Going to be 54 years this month." John says.
"Wow. That is so cool. Congrats!" Jack says.
"That is amazing!" I tell them. I grab Jacks hand and squeeze it.
"Thank you! I can't believe she actually stayed with me that long!" John says.
We all laugh.
"Well, we better get going. Don't want to miss our date do we?" The lady says.
"No we don't Martha." John says.
"Bye it was a pleasure meeting you!" I say.
"Very nice to meet you both." Jack smiles.
"Take care kiddos." John says.
"We will.Thank you sir." Jack says.
We take Lea and Willow back to there moms and thank them for letting us play with them. They thank us for watching them and we head to Jack's grandmas.
"Just to prepare you, my grandma is crazy." He laughs.
"I'm sure she's not that bad." I say.
"Oh please she once locked me outside because she thought I was a "burglar dressed up as Jack." He says.
I hold in a laugh but fail miserably as I burst out laughing. He joins in and we stop at a middle aged home with big windows and two cars parked out front.
"We're here." He sighs.
He goes up the stairs and knocks on the door.
No one answers so I look through the peep hole. No ones there but then suddenly and eye pops up looking through the other side.
"Who's there? Is it Michael Jackson?" An older lady asks from the other side.
"No it's me Jack Grandma."
Jack says.
"Oh jack honey come in come in why didn't you say so in the first place?" She laughs.
"Haha uhm I don't know." H laughs.
"And who is this pretty lady? Is she your house keeper?" She asks.
I laugh and take my shoes off at the door and set them gently by the rug.
"She must be she knows how to be polite unlike some one I know." She sasses while pointing at Jack. He laughs and takes his shoes off and places them next to mine.
"Hello sweetie I'm Linda Jack's best grandma." She tells me.
" Hi I'm Nikki it's nice to meet you!" I smile.
"Jack doesn't bring and friends around me often so this is a first!" She laughs.
"Grandmaaa." He whines.
"Oh Jack honey go get us something out of the fridge to eat." She orders him.
He walks off going down a hall way. "Hurry we don't have much time but I wanted to show you this." She laughs while grabbing a scrap book. She opens it up and it has many pictures of Jack as a little boy.
"Oh such a cutie he was."
"And still is." I say. I cover my mouth with my hand and look at her hoping she didn't hear that.
"Honey what are you covering your mouth for?!" She laughs.
"We aren't dating and he doesn't know I like him..." I tell her.
"He likes you that's for sure!" She tells me.
"Really?" I ask
"Really. He wouldn't have brought you to see me if he didn't like you!" She tells me. She hands me a picture of Jack and a little brown haired girl. She puts it in my hand and closes it.
"That's his sister. He never talks about her. She went missing when she was only 8 years old. My poor baby. Jack loved her so much. He prays for her every night to come home. She'd be 21 right now. No one knows where she was last seen or who she was with. He gets emotional when we talk about her. Please take care of him." She says. By the end of that story I was crying. I can't believe Jack had to go through all that.
Jack walks back in with a plate full of fruits and dip.
"Ready to eat?" He asks me.
" I sure am." I smile and grab his hand.

I'll be here for you Jack.

When ever you need me.

Forever and Always.

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