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The rest of the day's kind of a blur, at that point. The quirk test ended up taking a big chunk of the day, so nothing actually academic got done. That's good, because I don't think I'd be able to concentrate very well.

Everything's been going so smoothly. And why wouldn't it? It's only my first day, and I haven't slipped up, or anything.

It just feels like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

When school ends, everyone mills around outside. Old friends catch up, people try to make new acquaintances. I look for a familiar face among the crowd.

Aha! Found him. And he's alone.


"Hey there!" I say, sneaking up behind him in a way that hopefully doesn't look very sneaky at all. "You're Bakugou, right?"

"Huh?" He whirls around to face me, clenching his fists just so, primed to explode me right here and now if I try to pull some underhanded shit, U.A. school grounds be damned.

I know I should probably stay away from him, but he seems so fun to mess with. Plus, he scares the hell out of Midoriya. Seeing as I've kind of taken a liking to Bambi, I feel a little obligated to return the favor.

"Well I'm right, aren't I?" I ask, letting some of my genial mask fall away. Bakugou doesn't seem like the type to respond well to exaggerated kindness.

"And what's it to you?" he snarls, lip curling in distaste.

"I'm Seguchi. You were one place ahead of me in the quirk test."

He scoffs. "As if I'd pay attention to an extra like you."

"Oh, an extra, huh?" It takes a lot of effort to keep from rolling my eyes. "And what does that make you?"

"Fuckin', better than you, fourth place."

I hum, and take a lazy step forward. Bakugou doesn't step back--that would be the smart thing to do--but I can tell he wants to. It's in the way his eyes squint and shoulders rise, puffing up like a scared cat.

"You might not know this. After all you've probably been a big fish in a small pond up until now, right?" I tilt my head at him, place a hand on his shoulder. He tenses further.

"But you? If you don't get an attitude adjustment?" And with a blink, my eyes change. Once white sclera swallowed by pitch black darkness and pupils a bloody red. "You're already dead in the water."

Bakugou swings at me. How could he not? The whole affair probably seemed like one big threat tied with a demonic little blow. There's no explosion though, so I catch his rapidly approaching fist with my hand, and with a blink my eyes are back to normal.

"Ah, sorry, that wasn't meant to be a threat." I laugh it off. And it really wasn't; I just wanted to scare the pants off him.

Mission accomplished.

Murmurs of concern arise from the students around me. But it's fine, I made sure they couldn't see my little transformation. It probably just looks like Bakugou's got a bone to pick. What a weirdo, right?

I lower his fist for him, and he doesn't fight me about it. Seems a little dazed. "Let's be friends, hm?" I grin.

He stares at me, brows furrowed and eyes squinted. It's like that look Midoriya gave me, the one that means he's trying to puzzle me out.

He can certainly try, that's for damn sure. He just won't like where it gets him.

Bakugou pulls his hand back, glares at me with all the ferocity of a scared kitten, and turns on his heel, burying himself in the crowd of people.

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