Cute moment :D

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Harry's POV:

"daddy?" I questioned quietly "yeah baby" he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him I rested my head on his chest running my fingers softly up and down his abs he shivers

I smile "I'm sorry" I raise my head to look into his eyes he looks confused "for what?" he askes "not waiting for you" I simply state he smiles "it's ok baby"

"no it's not I should have waited for you daddy-"  he shakes his head cutting me off "baby stop it I'm kind of glad you didn't wait" he smirks at me I roll my eyes but smile "I love you daddy" "I love you too Hazz"

we cuddle till we fall asleep in each others arms smiles on our faces

Leeyum's banana! I need something new 2 say and I'm bored of saying hey or hi or hello or something u normally say yh ok um it's short bc I have literally NOTHING else 2 write bc I suck a fluff I've established im just a dirty minded shit and yh ok so um

c ya later! :)

Caught by daddy (Larry Stylinson smut one shot)Where stories live. Discover now