Journal Entry Three

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Another note heads this page

[In the original copy, as you can probably see, the handwriting is sloppy and short. We translated as much as we could, but it got hard to read.]

Dear Lance,

I know I shouldn't be writing now, in the heat of battle, but in case I die I need you to know something.

Lance I- [unintelligible] -so please, carry on my legacy through Voltron, tell Shiro I love him, same to Hunk and Pidge, and everyone.

Lance, please promise me you'll- [unintelligible] -ok?

I hope I don't die here. After only three entries to you.



The way he wrote his name was so sloppy. Slanted. Curved. I feel tears burn at the back of my eyes, but realize the transcript is longer. I can only hope this means he lived.

Love, Keith Where stories live. Discover now