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Selena POV

There stood the one and only Harry Style and his band mates Niall,Zayn,Louis,and the one and only Liam you know Liam called me hot just like Harry so it gets me uncomfortable. "babe aren't you going to invite us in"he told me "oh I'm sorry come in well not to be rude but what are you guys doing here"I asked politely "Your fiancé invited us to be here for a while and of course we accepted"Harry told me while having a smirk on his face "well let me get Justin out of bed" I told them while heading upstairs

"Justin why the fuck didn't you tell me Harry styles and his band were coming to live here for a while" I told him angrily

"Babe there not living here there staying here for a while"Justin told me while changing

"Justin you don't have to change in front of me I don't want to see your small dick"I told him while covering my eyes

"Selena nothing you haven't seen before"he told me with a smirk on his face while heading to the living room

Shit I forgot I'm still with my pjs, I just got an idea what time is it I checked the clock and it said 6:30 we still have an hour so I started to get changed

10 minutes later

I was done this will teach justin a lesson,I decided to wear One Teaspoon Hunter Bandit Cutoff Shorts and Pins And Needles Smocked Cropped Halter Top in Black Multi this is going to get Justin mad and jealous

"Babe it's 6:40 we still have time" justin yelled to me "I know I'm not stupid"I said while texting Nick to meet me for lunch "babe come sit with us here in the living here" Justin told me "okay make room for me" I said while walking over to the couch when I got to the living room all eyes were on me, Justin was checking me out just as Harry styles,While I was going to sit next to justin he pulled me by my waist and pulled me in his lap "Sel is this my punishment" justin whispered in my ear and I just nodded

"selena your phone is vibrating and it's on your back pocket"Justin told me while I was sitting in his lap while talking to the guys "babe can you get it from my pocket I'm to lazy to stand up" I told him "here babe"Justin while handing me my phone and squeezing my but while I just gasped.

I saw the text and it was from Nick so I turned so Justin wouldn't see it

S-so how about lunch like at 1:00

N-yes gorgeous where(;

S-pick me up at set you know where right(;

N-yes babe love you

I hadn't answered "c'mon love birds pose for the camera"Niall said while taking a picture of Justin and I "send it to me" Justin said while kissing my cheek "yea send it to me"I told Niall "it's not my phone it's Harry's" he replied "oh Harry you still have my number just send it to me" I told him while smiling he just nodded "anyone want anything to drink it's barley 7:00" I told them "yes babe get 6 waters plus yours" justin told me "okay babe" I said while standing up, while I was at the kitchen Justin started kissing my neck "Justin not now we have guest"I replied annoyed "babe it's not Justin" Harry said I turned around and said "well not now Harry stop it please anyway send me the pic"I replied even more annoyed while heading out to the living room "here guys"I told them while handing out the water bottles

I turned around to see Justin with my phone "Justin give my phone back" I told him angrily "how about no babe" he told me while having a smirk in his face "Justin give me my fuckin phone back" I yelled at him "here we will talk later" he told me with a serious face while handing me my phone "Selena are you cheating on Justin" Harry asked in front of everyone Justin turned and faced me "you guys no I am not I love him so freakin much he means the world to me I will never cheat on this guy"I said while walking over to Justin and giving him a passionate kiss

"Babe I have to go" I told Justin "okay babe take one of the guys there going to be bored at the studio"Justin told me which I knew why he wanted for me to take them so I wouldn't go with Nick "yea Selena take me and Liam" Harry asked me "fine leggo bye babe see you at 3 I will go to the studio if you want" I told him "nah babe I will pick you up at set" he replied "babe I won't be at set at the time I'm going with nick for lunch and these guys are coming with" I told him "okay babe that's good the guys are coming with us to see the wedding planner" he yelled "okay bye babe" I yelled while walking out of the door to my car "you guys talk like if we are your children" Liam said "I know it's weird" Harry said "haha you guys act like children"I told them while chuckling

Jelena News:

Justin posted a pic of him and Selena with caption "our live is unconditional" he deleted it if you haven't seen it go to my Instagram I screenshoted and posted my insta is @karlita_garciaa and comment if your a fan of my book and I will follow you on insta(; love you 3k💜❤️😚

What will justin talk about with Selena and what will happen at lunch with nick?

Love you 3k so much 😚

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