Chapter 20

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Hello wonderful people!

I know, I know, I haven't uploaded for what feels like forever. I have a valid reason though! I've been in hospital getting a big surgery (thank you for the get well wishes by the way) and have been recovering. I'm finally at home now, so weekly updates should go back to normal :)

Thanks for all the support. Vote and comment!

Much love 

Yasmin xx


Chapter 20

"Hi," I muttered awkwardly.

"Acacia! Hey!" Zayn replied quickly, clearing his throat.

"I need to ask you a favour," I sighed, cutting to the chase. "Harry and I got into an argument, and I was stupid and ran away. Now I'm somewhere in London and completely lost. I don't have anywhere to go, and I was wondering if you could pick me up. But, you know, you don't have to because you're so busy and stuff..." I trailed off.

"Don't worry about it. I wasn't doing much anyway, just working on a few drawings in my apartment. Do you have any street names so I know where to go?"

It was getting darker now, and the sun was beginning to sink lower than the horizon. In a few minutes, I'd have to use my phone as a light because the street would be pitch black.

"I can't see any," I said helplessly.

"Have you got any shops around you then? I might be able to recognise where it is if there are some well known stores around."

I stood up and looked behind me - I was in luck. There was a large row of shops behind me, although most of them were just small corner stalls. The sun was completely gone now, and was now becoming replaced with a full moon, casting an eerie glow along the street. As creepy as it was, it still was a source of light which I was thankful for; at least I wouldn't be stumbling around in the darkness.

"Well, there's a 'Tom's Seafood', 'Checkpoint Chemist', 'Buzz Fashion Store'..."

"Is there a 'Fran's Fruit and Vegetables' next to the chemist?"

I craned my neck, looking hopefully past the chemist...

"Yes!" I shouted excitedly, as my eyes found the sign which was placed precariously in front of the shop window. "How did you know?"

"I used to work there - Fran is one of my mum's best friends," I could picture him shrugging indifferently. "I'll pick you up in a few."

"See you then."

I heard the click of the receiver being put down and I slipped my phone back into the pocket of my jeans. The temperature was dropping rapidly now and I struggled to contain a few shivers, goosebumps appearing on my arms. But I didn't care about the cold - I was far more concerned about Harry. Did he go home, or is he like me, wandering the dark London streets? Or was he at a club, making out with a girl and an alcohol bottle in his hand?

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