Groundhog Day!?

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After all the sad and depressing stuff happened. It all reset all back to normal but...without Sayori!?
"Oh pineapple, will I ever find my special 'someone'?" Hanaka asked. "Yes" pineapple said W-wait pineapple can talk?! Oh yes,yes it can but that's not important so its all the same but no Sayori. "H-hey Hanaka " Yuri said " and I don't mind cutting to the chase, I'm in love with you and your gorgeous face!" "O-ok Yuri -um well" Hanaka said surprised... "Do you accept my confession?" Yuri asked... "S-sure or m-maybe?" Hanaka hesitated "H-hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!" Yuri laughed crazily then well you know the rest

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